summersundries Member


  • Great job, this is fantastic news. You can do this
  • Hi, I'm getting back on track and the first 3 weeks have been going well. But I'm getting bored of only ever seeing my own stats on my homepage. Want to add some friends. I'm trying to go from 210 to 150 in about 1 year. So far I've got 7 pounds down and feeling a lot better.
  • Also for the location thing I am in new brunswich Canada. We just had a week of - 30 Celsius and below so I have been using the gym daily but yesterday it went up to a balmy negative 8 Celsius so I did an hour of snowshoeing to celebrate the "warm" weather. It's hard to do outside activities because I am so far north the…
  • I have unfortunately not found a way. My response has been to avoid all added sugar and only allow myself sugar from fruit, veggies, and other natural sources. I know it is hard. I tried following the WHO guidelines of less than 25 grams but trust me, if you are including natural sources that is NOT realistic with a varied…
  • Great group. I am trying to change my lifestyle and after a solid week of workouts and eating a balanced lower calorie diet the scale has finally decided to move. I must admit it was hard seeing it go up or stay he same all week, but I was looking more tight and feeling a ton better so I stuck with it. I started at 201 and…