

  • Yeah , I've been confused on where u should should start with it.. for me I feel like I starve with the 1200 but I have been (struggling) staying at the 1200 a day.. I am 221lbs ,and I am 5'7..
  • You look amazing!! Thanks for sharing! Inspirational!!
  • I have been doing 1200 calories, but I have noticed alot of others are doing 1400-1500, not sure if I am where I'm suppose to be.. and yes the tips definitely help! I appreciate all of them! I will take all I can get :) I am 100% dedicated, it's just the part of finding healthier foods and not wanting or craving so much…
  • Thanks so much for the tips! And healthy meal plans would be great to, I haven't stopped the regular meals yet, but I discussed it with my husband today if he would be on board with me buying more healthy foods and eating healthier, if him and the kids would be in and they agreed, so will definitely have to make a list and…
  • Krueger92 do you have any tips food or exercise ways to help cut down belly fat?
  • Great thanks :) my hardest part about it all is, I LOVE food... I usually try to use diet pills, but always end up gaining it all back when I stop taking them, so this time I am trying to do it all on my own so it will be better in the long run, definitely a lot harder and I still crave alot of food but I know this way…
  • I am 26 years old mother of two... Starting around the same weight! Looking to los 90-95lbs! I've struggled all my motherhood life with this weight(8yrs)and looking for some really good support system as well :)
  • I am a 26 year old mother of two... I have struggled my whole life also, I have recently went through a hysterectomy which sent me into depression and I have ate my way through it all causing me to be the biggest I have ever been. I am looking for some great support system as well... I am looking to lose about 90-95lbs..
  • I have been on and off again for couple years now, I am 26 yrs old and recently had to have a hysterectomy, I let the depression get the best of me and ate my way through it.. I am now about 80lbs over weight, but would love to lose 90-95. I am at the biggest I have ever been in my life and something has to give. I have…