questionfear Member


  • Agreed. Machines are better than nothing, but in my personal experience free weights of all kinds have produced better results for me. @tarothelp you could also try bodyweight workouts and suspension straps, things that require your core to be engaged and might help strengthen your back. You would also benefit from using…
  • 21 degrees and near your body shouldn't shut a phone down. I've gone for runs in far colder weather with the phone in a SPIbelt outside my jacket and it's run fine. That sounds like a battery issue-I would definitely have an Apple Genius bar check the battery out for you.
  • I think protein shakes by themselves don't make great filling meals, but as others said you can pair them with something. My breakfast almost every day is protein powder+almond milk+coffee (or sometimes i blend it with 1/2 a frozen banana), plus 2-3 hard boiled eggs. 400ish calories, 47g protein, 12g carbs, 18g fat based…
  • Naked also makes a yellow pea protein with no flavor, I use it daily.
  • I think casein is thicker, it is specifically a slower digesting protein. Isolate is still filling, but it's more of an after workout powder. At least that is how I have used it.
  • I love my kettlebells. Just finished the "simple" standard in "Simple and Sinister" (100 1-hand swings (50 per hand) @ 50lbs [officially it's more like 53, since the standard is 24k, but i was working with what I had!] in 5 min, 1-min rest, 5 per side Turkish Get Ups @35lb/16kg in 10 min). Starting on "Rite of Passage"…
  • There's lots of great advice thing you could also try is to really "kick" at the end of one or two runs a week; in other words, when you have a small amount, like 1/10th of a mile to go, just push it into the highest gear you have and GO. When I broke 30 minutes in the 5k, I found that training for that last…
  • I work out before eating, I always have. If I'm feeling really off, or need something to settle my stomach, I'll eat a small handful of cheerios or something equally bland. But I don't eat anything substantive until after my workout.
  • You can get a lot of sample size protein powders from Quest. I think they taste pretty amazing, and then she can experiment with what flavors she likes best before committing to a huge tub.
  • I work out exclusively at home. Unfortunately, I don't have the space for a barbell/squat rack setup, so here's what I have: Pullup bar Kettlebells (15lbs, 25lbs, 30lbs, 35lbs, 50lbs) Jungle Gym XT (like a TRX but separated straps) Push up handles (also handy for dips on the counters) Between the kettlebells and bodyweight…
  • That was the idea at one time, then everyone decided heavier runners needed stability shoes, and lately most studies have said it's extraordinarily rare for anyone to need a hardcore motion control shoe. Personally, I always advocate starting with a neutral shoe and going from there. Sometimes having a shoe that forces…
  • Chicken salad (if you make it yourself you can keep the mayo low), cottage cheese, eggs...
  • I believe you can freeze them and use them for future recipes like sauces. If you come to NJ I will eat all your egg yolks. I only tolerate the egg whites because they surround the delicious yolks.
  • I would build the dog up slowly to that kind of volume...though some dogs are much more eager to run than others. I tried taking my dog on a short run once, and he laid down and refused to budge after about a half mile. On the other hand, when my brother in law's dog was alive, and we dogsat for him, I would take him out…
  • The one time I tried overnight oats with steel cut did not go well. :( I am a bit of a weirdo though because I really like my oats savory, so I usually cook them with just water and then add salt and pepper. Sometimes I toss in scallions and soy sauce. And if I'm feeling really fancy, a poached egg...mmm...
  • Then push your doc's office to give you the referral for a physical therapist ahead of surgery. Interview a few physical therapists, figure out who is covered by your insurance and who best can address your post-surgery goals. I also highly doubt your doc said to not do ANYTHING for four months. The trend that I…
  • Follow your physical therapist. Do every. single. thing. they tell you to do. If they give you daily exercises, do the daily exercises. If they clear you to do certain workouts, only work within what you're cleared for. But do the work. I had ACL reconstruction 8 years ago, and I have since run 4 half marathons and more…
  • What about inverted rows with either suspension straps or under a table? Similar muscle recruitment I believe.
  • I dropped a few pounds really fast when I started on Wellbutrin, then it slowed to normal. I've been on it for about 18 months and haven't found it impacts my weight either way at this point.
  • I do dinner leftovers. I also try to whip up a batch of egg salad, chicken salad, baked tofu, etc., so if I don't have leftovers it's fairly easy to create a sandwich or salad on the fly.
  • What about kettlebell swings? I do 100-200 per day, and I definitely feel it in my glutes, plus those could make a nice warmup for other lifting exercises.
  • My son is allergic to peanuts, tree nuts (except almonds) and sesame seeds. He was allergic to eggs but outgrew that. Sesame is the worst, because it's the #9 allergy and the FDA only mandates that the top 8 be listed. Plus companies uses sesame in proprietary spice blends, so you have to really scan labels carefully.
  • Oh man you couldn't pay me to set foot in a North Jersey Costco. I've been in the Edison one and that was a madhouse. Personally I love Bridgewater either when they open or on a friday evening. You can easily shop in peace, and the lines aren't insane.
    in Costco Comment by questionfear July 2016
  • We go once a month to Costco, here are my go-tos: Eggs (you can get a ton of organic/free range/local eggs for cheaper than the grocery store) Cottage cheese (Breakstone's 2% is waaaay cheaper at Costco) Yogurt (but only if we're going to go through two huge tubs in time) COFFEE Seltzer Ground meat Protein powder Fresh…
    in Costco Comment by questionfear July 2016
  • Heavy kettlebell swings, turkish get-ups, and pushups (though I can't say I enjoy the pushups as I am doing them, I always feel really good afterwards).
  • I would suggest blending the spinach and kale with a bit of liquid first, then addingthe other liquid and ingredients. They tend to be tough to blend and I've personally found that meant they blended more uniformly so you dont get as much of that "gritty salad in a glass" mouthfeel.
  • Flavored bean coffee usually doesn't actually have syrups. They usually toss powdered flavoring or artificial flavors on the beans, so that's why the calorie count is so low. I remember when I worked for Borders and we used to do all sorts of weird drip coffee flavors like Blueberry (and all the various christmas holiday…
  • I like to toss sliced tofu in spices like turmeric, black pepper, cumin, etc., then roast it at 450 for 20 minutes. Let it cool, and it makes an awesome protein-y addition to salads, pasta, etc.
    in Tofu Comment by questionfear July 2016