

  • Good luck on your journey - a year wait seems crazy but I'm from the land of expensive (but fast) healthcare. It took us about 4 months of taking classes, meeting with dieticians and psychologists, etc to get approved but from there, our surgeon would have been ready within a week or two. In a lot of ways you're lucky to…
  • My surgeon gave us a LOT of documentation to explain our new lifestyle including a huge binder and a little pockets sized Cliff's notes book. It has a page called "Plateau Buster" and I'll type below the suggestions: Increase your water intake (64 oz + per day) Look for hidden carbohydrates in food by reading nutrition…
  • Sounds good, I wish you luck. I am a week post-op and I have to say it was a strange week. It's amazing how odd I felt on day 1 and how good I feel on day 7. Every day gets better and better so don't let it get you down if you feel like poo the first day day or two or three. I started turning the corner after 3 days.