Looking for pre-op friends & support in general...

I saw my bariatric surgeon yesterday for my first consult and am waiting for a call from my nutritionist now to find out what my pre-op diet will be. For now I am using MFP auto goals, set to lose 0.5/lb per week and will work up to eating less calories gradually, and then customize my nutritional goals to whatever my nutritionist recommends.

I am in BC, Canada and the wait time for my surgery date is going to be about a year from now, so I'll be logging here regularly in the meantime... At my appointment I was 295 lbs, my goal weight is 145 (I'm 5'4" so that's the top end of a healthy BMI). My personal goal is to lose 50 lbs before surgery so I only have 100 lbs to lose after surgery. I won't know which surgery I'm getting till after I've had all my tests, etc... Please add me as a friend! :)

A little about me... I'm 38 years old, turning 39 in May. I'm happily married and have an 11 yo son. I live on a gulf island, own a hair salon with my stylist husband (I do the business stuff) and am a recent graphic design graduate.


  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    Good for you for making a goal and setting a plan. I had the sleeve procedure on 11/19, after 6 mos of working w/the nutritionist. The time prior to surgery is a good time to change bad habits and get ready for the changes you need after surgery. My biggest goal was to stop drinking pop (soda) and start to exercise. I wish you good luck as you make your way to surgery.
  • Laurac727
    Laurac727 Posts: 60 Member
    I added you! I am also preop. I have passed all my preop requirements and got put on hold to get my blood pressure in levels before moving forward for RNY. I return to doc on 2/11 to hopefully move forward. Good goal setting. I started at 299.7 and now down almost 39 pounds. You can do this, get with that NUT and you will fly trust me!
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    Good for you for making a goal and setting a plan. I had the sleeve procedure on 11/19, after 6 mos of working w/the nutritionist. The time prior to surgery is a good time to change bad habits and get ready for the changes you need after surgery. My biggest goal was to stop drinking pop (soda) and start to exercise. I wish you good luck as you make your way to surgery.

    Yup, I'm working on making healthy changes now. I cut out soda after Christmas and have only had a couple since, so that's a big improvement... I'm also working on the exercise. I have some new yoga DVDs from heavyweight yoga, designed for fatties and I really like them!!

  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    Laurac727 wrote: »
    I added you! I am also preop. I have passed all my preop requirements and got put on hold to get my blood pressure in levels before moving forward for RNY. I return to doc on 2/11 to hopefully move forward. Good goal setting. I started at 299.7 and now down almost 39 pounds. You can do this, get with that NUT and you will fly trust me!

    Good luck in the blood pressure issue. Did they put you on Meds to get it down? Congrats on the losses... :)

  • Laurac727
    Laurac727 Posts: 60 Member
    yes I have two new ones to take every 12 hours for blood pressure, I think it is starting to work but glad it is temporary for sure
  • TN_Tinker
    TN_Tinker Posts: 143 Member
    I'm new also and just starting the pre op weight loss. Coffee is my biggest sin and I am struggling with that. Just cutting it in half every day. We decided on the sleeve and I think all my tests are good. looks like 6 weeks out I will be ready for my next Dr visit.
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    I love coffee too, but realized around Christmas time that I was jittery and anxiou feeling everyday after having my coffee so I switched to decaf. I'm one of those lucky people that felt better after quitting caffeine, not worse. I am sleeping way better now too... Now eating less food? That's hard!! I find I can easily eat over 3000 cals in a day without ever feeling full. I am not working right now so I need something to keep me distracted from wanting to eat.
  • lorilbuckner1
    lorilbuckner1 Posts: 172 Member
    Im with you in looking for friends, support and advise! I have just gotten my final approval for the Sleeve and will be starting the 2 week Pre-Op diet on Feb 2nd. Surgery is scheduled for Feb 16th! Im excited and frightened all at the same time!! Ive been in this process for 9 months now, (6 months with my Fam Doc and 3 with Bariatric Services) it can seem like forever when they tell you how many months before surgery but it will go quicker than you think! Keep focused on the goal of getting healthy!! I love MFP. Ive been on here with a couple of good friends for a couple of years. It has kept me focused and on course. I am new to the group forums but have been loving it and wondering why I didn't jump in before!
  • cabennett99
    cabennett99 Posts: 357 Member
    Don't over think coffee pre-op. You'll go through withdrawal with the benefit of medication when you have the surgery. I'm three months post op and have stayed away from coffee mostly because I've found less need to get up to go to the bathroom at night (I probably didn't need wls to figure that out...).
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    Thanks for the friend requests. I've started blogging here on MFP and I'm also vlogging on YT at https://www.youtube.com/user/islandsneezer if you want sub and follow along. The YT WLS community is VERY active and supportive.
  • Good luck on your journey - a year wait seems crazy but I'm from the land of expensive (but fast) healthcare. It took us about 4 months of taking classes, meeting with dieticians and psychologists, etc to get approved but from there, our surgeon would have been ready within a week or two.

    In a lot of ways you're lucky to have this time. There are a lot of behaviors you can tackle one by one instead of getting hit like a truck with a million changes at once. Our MD/Dietician that we were required to see for four months worked with us to shed these one by one. Here are some of them you might want to add to your list if you do them:

    1. stop drinking calories and soda in any form
    2. eat a high protein breakfast
    3. don't snack between meals but if you have to, stay with a high protein snack (string cheese, almonds, hard boiled egg, etc)
    4. Don't eat anywhere except when sitting at a table - no eating in cars, grazing while you cook, dessert in front of the TV, etc.
    5. Eat slowly and enjoy your food
    6. Don't drink 30 minutes before or after your meal.
    7. Get 64oz of fluids per day
    8. Take a multivitamin every day
    9. Slowly start replacing high carb foods with low carb foods - spaghetti with spaghetti squash instead of pasta, yogurt instead of toast, an egg instead of a handful of pretzels, etc.
    10. Move around every day - even if it isn't in a "gym" setting
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I am a proponent of the longish pre-surgery time. Hit the pre-surgery plan hard! Lose as much as you can, get into the best physical shape you can and prepare yourself with the eating habits and behaviors you will need for the future. If you have a lot to lose (like I did), it can also have you hit the surgery with a more reasonable amount to lose during the 'honeymoon period' of 6-9 months post-surgery.

    I started the process with 180 pounds to lose and managed to lose 100 in the roughly six months between y first step into the Bariatric program and my surgery. I am well on my way to getting the 80- post-surgery pounds off.

    Find an eating plan, and learn to love it. Log everything, drink all the water and start moving. It made the surgery and post-surgery time go smoothly for me.

  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    It's funny, but a year doesn't seem that long to me because when I looked into WLS a few years ago there was only one surgeon in my area and the wait was 5-7 YEARS. LOL!! Now there are a few, so the wait for a surgery spot is much shorter. It's all perspective, I guess... I'm sort of glad I have this year to get ready. :smiley:
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    pixelpushr wrote: »

    1. stop drinking calories and soda in any form
    2. eat a high protein breakfast
    3. don't snack between meals but if you have to, stay with a high protein snack (string cheese, almonds, hard boiled egg, etc)
    4. Don't eat anywhere except when sitting at a table - no eating in cars, grazing while you cook, dessert in front of the TV, etc.
    5. Eat slowly and enjoy your food
    6. Don't drink 30 minutes before or after your meal.
    7. Get 64oz of fluids per day
    8. Take a multivitamin every day
    9. Slowly start replacing high carb foods with low carb foods - spaghetti with spaghetti squash instead of pasta, yogurt instead of toast, an egg instead of a handful of pretzels, etc.
    10. Move around every day - even if it isn't in a "gym" setting

    Great list!
    #1, I cut out sugary sodas at Christmas but still enjoy club soda with lemon now and then. I've sent away for a bunch of protein powder/bar samples so will be working on #2 once I find something that works with my long list of food allergies. Right now I'm not really eating breakfast because I'm never hungry when I wake up.
    #3, not really a snacker, I prefer a couple meals a day.
    #4 is a HARD one! I can't remember the last time I ate at the table. I don't graze when I eat, but I do like to read or watch movies while eating...
    #5 I scarf my food when I'm distracted, so getting a handle on #4 will help with $5...
    #6 I thought it was just drinking WITH your meal that was an issue? Another thing i didn't know...
    #7 I get about 48 oz of water, and at least another 24 oz of decaf coffee and herbal tea.
    #8. I take liquid iron/b12 in the morning and cal/mag at night. Will look into a multi once I'm in my pre-op diet.
    #9 I've been working on that one for years and it's still a work in progress. I try to choose low GI foods. My food allergies sort of limit some high carb foods automatically, so that's helpful.
    #10. I've set myself a goal to add exercise everyday, slowly increasing every few weeks till I'm up to 45 minutes/ week day at a minimum.
  • JudiMoving2
    JudiMoving2 Posts: 77 Member
    Hello everyone.
    I am new and in the pre-op of my program. I met with the nutritionist last Friday and have been working on my eating skills for a couple weeks. The chew chew chew, the smaller portions, and eating my protein first.

    My biggest frustration so far is trying to keep toward the 1500 mark in calories. Even though the nutritionist said worry less about that and more about the protein intake. I have no problem with eating protein. It is the small meal portions that have me so unsatisfied and feeling deprived. I feel like I snack all day now. I used to eat two or three large meals a day and now I find myself wanting something every two hours. I am working within my list of acceptable health foods and low sugar snacks. Just not feeling that satisfaction I get when I eat a larger portion meal. Wondering, will this change in a week or two more? Will I be satisfied with the smaller meal and not need to snack in between? Or will it take the surgery to finally assist in the hunger pain?

    Feel free to add me, I am looking for friends. Glad I found this group.

  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hello everyone.
    I am new and in the pre-op of my program. I met with the nutritionist last Friday and have been working on my eating skills for a couple weeks. The chew chew chew, the smaller portions, and eating my protein first.

    My biggest frustration so far is trying to keep toward the 1500 mark in calories. Even though the nutritionist said worry less about that and more about the protein intake. I have no problem with eating protein. It is the small meal portions that have me so unsatisfied and feeling deprived. I feel like I snack all day now. I used to eat two or three large meals a day and now I find myself wanting something every two hours. I am working within my list of acceptable health foods and low sugar snacks. Just not feeling that satisfaction I get when I eat a larger portion meal. Wondering, will this change in a week or two more? Will I be satisfied with the smaller meal and not need to snack in between? Or will it take the surgery to finally assist in the hunger pain?

    Feel free to add me, I am looking for friends. Glad I found this group.


    It takes some adjustment, but I found that the high protein (100g per day) really kept me from feeling the hunger that I expected from a 1500 calorie day. I was not very hungry during the entire pre-surgery 5 months. It might be a good time to start to understand the head versus stomach hunger issues that most of us have.

    A quick bottle of water often satisfied my 'hunger' letting me know it was more in my head.

    Use this pre-op time to do everything you can to get those good habits and behaviors to become real life changes!


  • JudiMoving2
    JudiMoving2 Posts: 77 Member
    edited January 2015

    Thanks for the feedback Rob. I am really pushing the protein in the morning and do find that keeps me satisfied. Also am starting to see that my portion sizes are shrinking as well. I want to be successful at this and really REALLY want to get into the right habits this time.
  • kittenincalgary
    kittenincalgary Posts: 91 Member
    Oh cool , a fellow Canadian! Im Allison, Im 44 and Im in Calgary. B)
  • bonzaburns
    bonzaburns Posts: 29 Member
    Hi all, I live in Australia and am scheduled for surgery on 9th March. Very excited and very nervous. Looking forward to a new life. I have a great support with friends and especially my family. My only downfall is my hubby (luv him to bits) but he likes to treat me. Even on a normal diet now, he is still asking if I'd like a piece of cake.

    Don't worry, I'm not having it. He will eventually come around, but will have to do the occassional nagging...lol.

    I welcome friends to see their process. Mine over the years has been up and down, but looking forward to using the sleeve as my tool to gain a better way of life.

    Cheers Chris
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    I've been logging on MFP for 6 days now, and have done yoga 4 of those days, and stayed under my calorie goal 2 of those days... Each day I'm finding it a little less challenging to make healthy choices.

    I found a show on YT called "Fat Doctor" about WLS in the UK, mostly extremely obese people, and it's quite interesting. The hubs and I watched a couple episodes tonight.