juliejordan23 Member


  • Thanks all! I really like the idea to plan my largest meal and work back from there. That seems logical to me.
  • Tmaryam, you might want to try spacing them out over the day too, if you can't do them all at once. I saw in the notes it was suggested as an option so that might help you build up to more squats at a time. Good luck!
  • I'm in and started yesterday! I like that this challenge seems attainable, yet effective.
  • Underarmour has a great one. It's expensive, but it has a lot of support and comes fitted to your size, as opposed to S, M, L. I can't go back now to cheap ones..you can really tell the difference.
  • I would see if your gym offers a session with a personal trainer who can set you up with a program you can do on your own, and show you the ropes on how to use the equipment. I have found one session to get orientated on track has been all I need, and my gym offers that service for free, which is great. In terms of going…
  • Thanks eyecandyrayce! That is helpful and I'll try to up my water intake and watch my sodium. I hadn't thought of that.
  • Thanks all! It sounds like it is worth tracking regardless of calories tracked or not tracked. I have been pondering a fitbit. Pros? Con's? The clip on or a wrist one? Trying to really get the hang of this new lifestyle. I have been going to a gym for three years just have never tried to track what I do and compare it with…