Danp Member


  • When I log my morning coffee I'll tend to fill in what I expect I'll be eating for the rest of the day as I'll generally have a good idea of what I'll feel like eating. It means I only have to log once a day so logging becomes a 30-60sec task. It also gives me a good view of my calories for the day up front and lets me…
  • I like to exercise however and wherever my mood takes me. I realised long ago that I can't force myself to do a workout if I won't enjoy it and have given up trying. My solution is to have a number of activities that I can do, running, cycling, swimming, lifting, hiking, calisthenic etc. Chances are I'll be in the mood to…
  • Nine times out of ten if MFP shows 1200 calories it's because you've chosen an overly aggressive and inappropriate rate of loss. This usually happens when you don't have enough weight to lose to safely achieve the selected rate of loss and unless you're very obese then 2lbs (or possibly even 1lbs) per week just isn't…
    in Newbie Comment by Danp February 2020
  • Depends on what you're trying to achieve, what you are capable of doing and what you enjoy. If you're looking to build strength then a home calisthenic routine might be what you're looking for. If it's fitness and cardio then there are other options ranging from 'going for a walk' all the way to rigorous home circuits. But…
  • I just wanted to offer some reassurance with regards to the bold statement above. Assuming you stick more or less to your calorie target the rest of the week in order for this meal to blow your weight loss you'd need to eat 3500 excess calories during that meal. This would need to be 3500 calories above and beyond the…
  • I think western society as a whole has moved towards disordered eating being 'the norm'. People who had poor/disordered eating patterns gave birth to people who inherited those poor/disordered eating habits and in turn passed them on to their kids. I think logging food is a way of managing/treating this systemic disordered…
  • I'd love to read more about this if you can you link to the studies you're citing? Most of what you've said here sounds like little more than baseless bro-science so if you have legit sources to back this up I'd be very interested.
  • If you're struggling then you need to reassess what you're doing. Weight loss is a long term thing and you can only continue to struggle for so long so you need to find a way that is easy for you. So look at what you're struggling with and change it. There are way to many ways to achieve the required calorie deficit to…
  • There's a lot to unpack in this post so I'll try and address things one point at a time. The physical limitations you discuss suck but, the good news is that for the most part losing weight has little to do with working out and everything to do with managing your calorie intake. I and many many people here have…
  • OMAD isn't a diet and it isn't magic or special. It's just a pattern of eating that some people seem to naturally have an affinity for. I tend to be very busy during the day and never really seem to feel hungry however at night my appetite kicks in and no matter how much food I've eaten throughout the day I'm really…
    in Omad Comment by Danp February 2020
  • What's wrong with swimming? If you like to swim then swim. Life's too short to do things you don't enjoy and swimming will give you plenty of fitness.
  • An even better idea is to eat sufficient calories to begin with so you're not compromising your immune system and making yourself susceptible to illness in the first place. Under eating also leaves you at risk of a number of other things the least of which is lethargy making you less active overall and under-performing…
  • One Meal A Day. OMAD. Basically you eat all, or the vast majority, of your calories in one sitting/meal/short time frame. It doesn't do anything special or magical. It's just an eating pattern that some find suits them and makes eating fewer calories easier.
  • Under eating in the short term won't have a negative effect. Each time you get ill you'll likely under eat. When you get stressed you'll under eat. There's lots of reasons why you might find your appetite decreased for a short while. Under eating only really becomes a problem with it's deliberate and/or it's long term.…
  • It's the law of diminishing returns and it applies to pretty much everything. It's like when you're starting to run/swimming/etc you'll beat your PB times quite frequently and by multiple minutes at the start. As you go those gaps will get smaller to the point where it's down to seconds or fractions of a second and getting…
  • The best exercise is the one you will do. An OK exercise program that you enjoy and will do frequently and long term is a million times better than the optimal program that you constantly skip and end up stopping because you hate it. A good place to start is a progressive lifting program. Strong Lifts is often recommended.…
  • I'd suggest that if you need support to stick to an IF way of eating then IF might not be the right approach for you. Some people (myself included) find that some kind of restricted eating pattern makes it *easier* to meet our calorie targets. There's nothing special or magical about IF and if it doesn't make things easier…
  • Right now it's up to about about 42c (107f) during the day and dropping to a chill 32c (90f) at night. I reckon a weighted blanket might be more suitable as a murder device than anything else right now =)
  • Results are what matter, the process you use to get there is irrelevant. If this approach works for you then there's no point in adding complexity or extra steps. Getting where you need to go via the path of least resistance is the key. You only need to be as diligent and put in the minimum amount of effort as required.…
  • Oh and make sure you see a physio for your recovery. I ended up with some NASTY grinding in my knee years after recovering from my dislocation. Turns out the injury had me favouring one quad muscle over the others. This resulted in that muscle getting stronger while the rest atrophied somewhat which caused my patella to be…
  • Ouch. I feel you on multiple fronts having had both PE episodes and having dislocated my knee! Off the top of my head, swimming would be your best bet while recovering (provided you can escape your leg brace). Once your knee is a bit better maybe rowing or cycling. With the cycling you'll need to make sure you're set up…
  • I'm a dude so maybe I'm talking out of school here but while pregnant shouldn't you be focused on growing a healthy human being rather than calorie restrictions?
  • A joule is just a measurement of energy same as a calorie. Just a different scale. Like Celsius and Fahrenheit A calorie is the energy required to increase 1 gram of water by 1 degree celsius at 1 atmosphere of pressure. A joule is the energy required to make 1 watt of energy for 1 second OR the energy transferred to an…
  • That sounds correct. MFP won't let you use the tool to justify irresponsible and dangerous behaviour so sets a minimum on how low it will let you set your calorie target.
  • I can see it now... In a revolutionary new approach to weight loss we help you develop crippling anxiety and panic attacks to raise your heart rate and trim that waistline!
  • Even that's a false economy too. Putting on an extra 1lbs of muscle, which is no easy feat and requires some serious work, time and dedication. Will increase your daily calories burned by about 10 ( between 7-13) calories per day. So no, building muscle while good for you won't turn you into a calorie burning machine or…
  • This was a huge thing for me and it seems like a lot of other people. For some reason I was in the mindset that I had to suffer for my weight loss. That if I was doing it easily and effortlessly then I wasn't 'earning' it. I think I used to view losing weight as a form of punishment I had to endure for all the years i'd…
  • I used to rubbish BMI as 'unrealistic'. I'd tell myself that if I did get to that healthy weight range I'd be gaunt and unhealthy. That I was one of those individuals that didn't fit into that neat little BMI pigeon hole. The truth is I was only saying that because it was easier to cop out and claim 'outlier' status than…
  • You're right to be suspicious of the calories calculated form activity. They're all calculated on some pretty rough estimates in order to apply to the general population rather than you specifically. That said, they're going to get you into the right ballpark and give you something to build from. In order to hone in on a…
  • Because it's externalising. It's shifting the blame which ultimately absolves the person from being able to do anything about it rendering them ''powerless" "Oh it's not my fault I'm overweight. It's my job's fault because I'm so inactive and can't help eating" so they quit and get a new active job and it becomes "Oh it's…