kjeff147 Member


  • Hi! I too am a mama trying to lose weight. 35, Mom of 3 girls, have 30 lbs I want to lose. It’s not proving easy even though I feel like I am doing things right! Argh! Good luck to you! Stop those nightcaps and have a healthy snack at night and you’ll see results! 🤪
  • Hello, I am looking for a mentor or friends also. I am 32, mother 2, and a nurse practitioner. I'm looking to lose 20+ lbs. My weight has fluctuated since having my kids and I am fed up with how I look and feel, and want to get back to my prepregnancy weight, so I need to get with the program. I have been on on MFP for a…
  • Hi! I'm new here too. I need motivation also!
    in New! Comment by kjeff147 January 2015