jawilder230 Member


  • Op: considering your weight and calorie consumption in addition with your activity level, it sounds like you are under eating. That is probably why you feel constricted with your diet. So yes...go ahead and have cheat days or adjust your diet appropriately.
  • Agreed. I'm thinking the length of my cut is going to be a problem. Thanks for the input.
  • That is a possibility, I would be more inclined to agree if he had mentioned some type of strenuous cardio routine. It would be nice to know OPs current calorie consumption and weight. That would help us understand where the weight loss is coming from.
  • (1)1 you are eating more than you think (2) you need to go lower in calories. But seriously, if your stomach is shrinking who cares if your not losing weight. If your looking better keep doing it. And fyi- at an appropriate calorie deficit 2 weeks is more than enough time to notice changes in your physique. Maybe you…
  • Personally I don't see the need for one and will never use one. You neEd for a personal trainer is dependent upon how motivated and dedicated you are to your fitness goals. That means if you want to get in shape a bad enough you will research the proper diet you need to achieve your goals, research how to correctly perform…
  • First of all, 6 pounds in 2 weeks is pretty fast. That may damage your metabolism in the long haul.....but then again, it may not. How many calories are you eating? In my opinion it sounds like you could add more calories to your diet to slow you weight lost down to 1 to 2 pounds per week. Not only is healthier on your…
  • It's not because you are older. Your metabolism slows down over time due to less testosterone production (for men only) but that happens over an extended period of time (decades). What is your current weight? What is your body fat percentage? How many calories are you eating a day? Do you work out reguarly? Typically if…