Cheat days? Or cheat meals?



  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Velum_cado wrote: »
    So have a burger.

    I slightly undereat during the week so I can loosen the reins a bit on the weekends. It works really well for me.

    I am trying this out right now in maintenance. So far so good!

    That strategy has been the biggest key to my weight loss, I think, and now that I'm more or less in maintenance, it's still working really well. :)
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    I have lost 40lbs and don't have cheat days. I eat what I want. Yesterday, I went a little nuts with homemade tacos. I went over by 900 calories. However, when looking at it weekly, I am still on track to have a weekly deficit. So i don't really care.
  • quickjeff
    quickjeff Posts: 31 Member
    This is all great information. Thanks so much for all the comments! I guess I have always been used to the low low carb diet higher protein, with lower calories. I was going for the 2lbs per week. It just still doesn't make sense to me by eating a bunch of pizza which is mostly carbs and still be okay as long as I stay in my calorie allowance. :neutral_face: I guess I'm a bit confused on this.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    quickjeff wrote: »
    This is all great information. Thanks so much for all the comments! I guess I have always been used to the low low carb diet higher protein, with lower calories. I was going for the 2lbs per week. It just still doesn't make sense to me by eating a bunch of pizza which is mostly carbs and still be okay as long as I stay in my calorie allowance. :neutral_face: I guess I'm a bit confused on this.

    proof positive in my diary... I had pizza hut the other night lol I had a cupcake too :) I am down over 5lbs in a week (water but I will take it).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Being that I don't demonize food, I don't really consider having a burger "cheating". Having a burger or a slice or pizza or whatever can very easily fit into a well balanced and healthy, nutritious diet.

    Why make this harder than it has to be...I really don't get it.
    quickjeff wrote: »
    This is all great information. Thanks so much for all the comments! I guess I have always been used to the low low carb diet higher protein, with lower calories. I was going for the 2lbs per week. It just still doesn't make sense to me by eating a bunch of pizza which is mostly carbs and still be okay as long as I stay in my calorie allowance. :neutral_face: I guess I'm a bit confused on this.

    Weight control (whether to lose, maintain, or gain) is about energy balance, not carbs or whatever. A calorie is simply a unit of energy...your body requires XXXX amount of energy per day to function and maintain the status quot. When you eat more energy than your body requires, that excess energy is stored for later use as body fat. When you consume less energy than your body requires, that difference has to be accounted your body dips into your energy reserves (aka body fat) to compensate...thus you burn that fat and lose weight. When you consume a balance of energy you maintain your weight.

    The reason low carb "works" is 1) you lose a lot of fluid weight early on in the process...most of this is your glycogen stores as well as excess water necessary for metabolizing carbohydrates. 2) Many carbohydrate rich foods are also calorie when you cut carbs, you are cutting calories whether you realize it or not.

    Also, a higher protein intake has a positive effect on TEF (Thermal Effect of Food...essentially the energy required to digest and metabolize your food)'s not huge, but you burn a few more calories just eating a higher protein diet.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Being that I don't demonize food, I don't really consider having a burger "cheating". Having a burger or a slice or pizza or whatever can very easily fit into a well balanced and healthy, nutritious diet.

    Why make this harder than it has to be...I really don't get it.
    quickjeff wrote: »
    This is all great information. Thanks so much for all the comments! I guess I have always been used to the low low carb diet higher protein, with lower calories. I was going for the 2lbs per week. It just still doesn't make sense to me by eating a bunch of pizza which is mostly carbs and still be okay as long as I stay in my calorie allowance. :neutral_face: I guess I'm a bit confused on this.

    Weight control (whether to lose, maintain, or gain) is about energy balance, not carbs or whatever. A calorie is simply a unit of energy...your body requires XXXX amount of energy per day to function and maintain the status quot. When you eat more energy than your body requires, that excess energy is stored for later use as body fat. When you consume less energy than your body requires, that difference has to be accounted your body dips into your energy reserves (aka body fat) to compensate...thus you burn that fat and lose weight. When you consume a balance of energy you maintain your weight.

    The reason low carb "works" is 1) you lose a lot of fluid weight early on in the process...most of this is your glycogen stores as well as excess water necessary for metabolizing carbohydrates. 2) Many carbohydrate rich foods are also calorie when you cut carbs, you are cutting calories whether you realize it or not.

    Also, a higher protein intake has a positive effect on TEF (Thermal Effect of Food...essentially the energy required to digest and metabolize your food)'s not huge, but you burn a few more calories just eating a higher protein diet.

    Yes to all of this.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    CyeRyn wrote: »
    I don't believe in "cheat days" because you're really just cheating yourself. It's fine to indulge every once in a while, but I still keep myself accountable for the calories I've consumed.

    This is my approach. I consider my calorie goals to be an average I want to hit. If I'm a bit over one day, and a bit under the next day, that's fine, as long as it all evens out in the end.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    I don't do cheat days or meals. I do sometimes bank calories during the week so I can go out drinking on a Friday or have a delicious greasy brunch on Saturday or whatever, though. And every now and then I'm just over on calories and don't sweat it too much -- soon enough I'll have a day where I'm under for no particular reason, so it all balances out.
  • Barbs2222
    Barbs2222 Posts: 433 Member
    quickjeff wrote: »
    This is all great information. Thanks so much for all the comments! I guess I have always been used to the low low carb diet higher protein, with lower calories. I was going for the 2lbs per week. It just still doesn't make sense to me by eating a bunch of pizza which is mostly carbs and still be okay as long as I stay in my calorie allowance. :neutral_face: I guess I'm a bit confused on this.
    I don't think you can have a bunch but 2 slices should easily fit into your calorie count for the day. I think you should go ahead and enjoy it. I have pizza at least once a week.

  • jawilder230
    jawilder230 Posts: 8 Member
    quickjeff wrote: »
    How do you guys feel about cheat days or cheat meals? Today is my 15th day on a strict clean diet. I'm already down 6lbs. I don't want to mess with my progress but I do crave pizza or a burger or something in that nature!

    First of all, 6 pounds in 2 weeks is pretty fast. That may damage your metabolism in the long haul.....but then again, it may not. How many calories are you eating? In my opinion it sounds like you could add more calories to your diet to slow you weight lost down to 1 to 2 pounds per week. Not only is healthier on your body but it will allow you to eat more food that you love, thus making your diet more sustainable long term. Personally I do cheat days but I still count my calories so I don't go out of control. I usually eat 1000 calories more than I normal on my cheat day.

    But seriously, think about adding more cals. Weight lose isn't a race... It's a marathon.

  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    quickjeff wrote: »
    How do you guys feel about cheat days or cheat meals? Today is my 15th day on a strict clean diet. I'm already down 6lbs. I don't want to mess with my progress but I do crave pizza or a burger or something in that nature!

    First of all, 6 pounds in 2 weeks is pretty fast. That may damage your metabolism in the long haul.....but then again, it may not. How many calories are you eating? In my opinion it sounds like you could add more calories to your diet to slow you weight lost down to 1 to 2 pounds per week. Not only is healthier on your body but it will allow you to eat more food that you love, thus making your diet more sustainable long term. Personally I do cheat days but I still count my calories so I don't go out of control. I usually eat 1000 calories more than I normal on my cheat day.

    But seriously, think about adding more cals. Weight lose isn't a race... It's a marathon.

    Personally I think he just dropped some water weight. He said he had reduced carbs, and most people also eat less sodium when they start a diet plan. I'd give it a few weeks before determining whether the loss is too fast.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited January 2015
    I have lost close to 100 pounds so far. The way I did it was by banishing the "cheating" mentality. I eat whatever I want whenever I want, in quantities that satisfy me, as long as it fits into my daily calories or I can make up for it later.

    Example: I feel like having pizza.
    My thought process goes like this:
    1. How much pizza is usually enough for me? Answer: 3 slices, about 600 calories total.

    2. What do I usually eat/drink with my pizza? Answer: Diet soda and sweet corn on the side, about 130 calories. Total for the meal: 730 calories.

    3. Is it still the beginning of the day? If yes, easy. I plan my breakfast and lunch to not exceed 700-800 calories, and eat my pizza meal for dinner.

    4. Is it already late in the day and I only have 300-400 calories left? I either workout to earn the extra calories needed or carry over the "debt" to next day, where I will eat lighter. In some cases if I'm not really hungry I only eat 2 slices.

    5. Am I already over my allotted calories today? In this case I tell myself I can have it tomorrow with some planning, OR have it then follow it by a 500 calorie fasting day, OR spread the extra calories over the few next days where I will be eating 1400 instead of 1500 for next 7 days, OR just eat it and call it a day. It's not the end of the world if I go over every once in a while.

    6. If I know there will be an event or some kind of outing where I will be eating I add 15 minutes to my daily workouts and/or eat at a slightly bigger deficit during the week to "bank" calories for that day.

    Here is my excel sheet for last week:

    As you can see, even though I ate a lot on friday, I had enough calories banked to make it happen and still be within 2 calories of my weekly calorie goal!
  • jawilder230
    jawilder230 Posts: 8 Member
    quickjeff wrote: »
    How do you guys feel about cheat days or cheat meals? Today is my 15th day on a strict clean diet. I'm already down 6lbs. I don't want to mess with my progress but I do crave pizza or a burger or something in that nature!

    First of all, 6 pounds in 2 weeks is pretty fast. That may damage your metabolism in the long haul.....but then again, it may not. How many calories are you eating? In my opinion it sounds like you could add more calories to your diet to slow you weight lost down to 1 to 2 pounds per week. Not only is healthier on your body but it will allow you to eat more food that you love, thus making your diet more sustainable long term. Personally I do cheat days but I still count my calories so I don't go out of control. I usually eat 1000 calories more than I normal on my cheat day.

    But seriously, think about adding more cals. Weight lose isn't a race... It's a marathon.

    Personally I think he just dropped some water weight. He said he had reduced carbs, and most people also eat less sodium when they start a diet plan. I'd give it a few weeks before determining whether the loss is too fast.

    That is a possibility, I would be more inclined to agree if he had mentioned some type of strenuous cardio routine. It would be nice to know OPs current calorie consumption and weight. That would help us understand where the weight loss is coming from.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited January 2015
    The beauty of calorie counting is that you don't have to force yourself to eat low carb or another fad diet (what is clean eating anyway?) to keep your calories lower. You got to do what's sustainable long term. Are you planning never to have a burger or pizza again?

    I typically keep a lower deficit when possible so it's not a big deal when I go over. I have good weeks and bad weeks but so far it's been pretty much evening out.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, if your profile is correct and you only have 19 pounds to lose, a goal of losing 2 pounds per week is very aggressive. Prevailing wisdom is your goal should be 0.5-1 lb per week. This way you can increase your calories a bit, eat some of these "treat" foods you're craving, and still lose the weight with less of a struggle. I find completely avoiding some foods makes my cravings build up to the point where I finally break down and eat a ton more than I would if I just had a reasonable amount on a regular basis :)
  • Victoriamrs
    Victoriamrs Posts: 99 Member
    If you fancy a pizza or burger why not have them but make them yourself and try make them as healthy as possible. I like to have French Fries now and again but I make wedges using sweet potatoes little bit of olive oil with chilli flakes and baked in the oven still having fries but just in a healthy way and delicious.

    For the pizza make the base using wholemeal flour and add loads of veggies less cheese and a small portion of meat. Burger weigh out the mince add lots of seasoning chilli, herbs etc instead of bread for the bun I use portobello mushrooms grilled add lots of tomato lettuce and onions. If you really want to be strict use chicken or turkey mince for the burger instead of steak mince.

    Bottom line I find if I don't have what my nana use to say a little of what I fancy I end up binging on unhealthy foods and if you can include it in your daily count then why not every now and again?

    Good luck and enjoy!
  • markiend
    markiend Posts: 461 Member
    I don't do cheats, don't do clean and I don't restrict myself too aggressively either.

    My lifestyle change has to be achievable in the long term and allow me to maintain it.

    Porking out every once in a while is dangerous if you have a problem with willpower or love food too much.

    IIFYM works well for lots of people and I will often take myself out for an extra run / walk if I really fancy a treat. The exercise helps too

  • quickjeff
    quickjeff Posts: 31 Member
    quickjeff wrote: »
    How do you guys feel about cheat days or cheat meals? Today is my 15th day on a strict clean diet. I'm already down 6lbs. I don't want to mess with my progress but I do crave pizza or a burger or something in that nature!

    First of all, 6 pounds in 2 weeks is pretty fast. That may damage your metabolism in the long haul.....but then again, it may not. How many calories are you eating? In my opinion it sounds like you could add more calories to your diet to slow you weight lost down to 1 to 2 pounds per week. Not only is healthier on your body but it will allow you to eat more food that you love, thus making your diet more sustainable long term. Personally I do cheat days but I still count my calories so I don't go out of control. I usually eat 1000 calories more than I normal on my cheat day.

    But seriously, think about adding more cals. Weight lose isn't a race... It's a marathon.

    I'm currently at 1400 calories, 52g carbs. Since I'm going for a faster loss. My stats currently 5'8 27 years old 178.6 lbs
  • quickjeff
    quickjeff Posts: 31 Member
    quickjeff wrote: »
    How do you guys feel about cheat days or cheat meals? Today is my 15th day on a strict clean diet. I'm already down 6lbs. I don't want to mess with my progress but I do crave pizza or a burger or something in that nature!

    First of all, 6 pounds in 2 weeks is pretty fast. That may damage your metabolism in the long haul.....but then again, it may not. How many calories are you eating? In my opinion it sounds like you could add more calories to your diet to slow you weight lost down to 1 to 2 pounds per week. Not only is healthier on your body but it will allow you to eat more food that you love, thus making your diet more sustainable long term. Personally I do cheat days but I still count my calories so I don't go out of control. I usually eat 1000 calories more than I normal on my cheat day.

    But seriously, think about adding more cals. Weight lose isn't a race... It's a marathon.

    Personally I think he just dropped some water weight. He said he had reduced carbs, and most people also eat less sodium when they start a diet plan. I'd give it a few weeks before determining whether the loss is too fast.

    That is a possibility, I would be more inclined to agree if he had mentioned some type of strenuous cardio routine. It would be nice to know OPs current calorie consumption and weight. That would help us understand where the weight loss is coming from.

    I am doing pretty intense cardio interval training with some strength training. 4-6 Times per week.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    quickjeff wrote: »
    quickjeff wrote: »
    How do you guys feel about cheat days or cheat meals? Today is my 15th day on a strict clean diet. I'm already down 6lbs. I don't want to mess with my progress but I do crave pizza or a burger or something in that nature!

    First of all, 6 pounds in 2 weeks is pretty fast. That may damage your metabolism in the long haul.....but then again, it may not. How many calories are you eating? In my opinion it sounds like you could add more calories to your diet to slow you weight lost down to 1 to 2 pounds per week. Not only is healthier on your body but it will allow you to eat more food that you love, thus making your diet more sustainable long term. Personally I do cheat days but I still count my calories so I don't go out of control. I usually eat 1000 calories more than I normal on my cheat day.

    But seriously, think about adding more cals. Weight lose isn't a race... It's a marathon.

    Personally I think he just dropped some water weight. He said he had reduced carbs, and most people also eat less sodium when they start a diet plan. I'd give it a few weeks before determining whether the loss is too fast.

    That is a possibility, I would be more inclined to agree if he had mentioned some type of strenuous cardio routine. It would be nice to know OPs current calorie consumption and weight. That would help us understand where the weight loss is coming from.

    I am doing pretty intense cardio interval training with some strength training. 4-6 Times per week.

    Are you eating back your exercise calories? 1400 is, imo, too low for a guy. Hell, it's too low for me and I'm a pretty small woman.