

  • Haha. Not at all! My Hubs learned today! I totally channeled Chris Farley too. It's kinda funny! I love this new me! My toddlers are diverted by all the green on my plate. Yesss! :p
  • Awesome! Gotta love those 9+ pound babies!!! And natural! Rarrr! ;)
  • Thanks again for the additional input!!! This made me laugh. After a second of "Hey wait a minute!". Ha! :p It is sadly true however... I eat a lot of healthy foods but I'm still fat from babies and a dummy about nutrition. :smiley: I love all of this! All of it! Especially the squatting/lifting!!! As soon as I drop some…
  • Wow. I can't thank you enough for all of your facts and suggestions! Feel free to stalk my entries and chime in with suggestions any time you would like! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
  • Thanks guys! I knew I had more to learn! -Food scale shopping on Amazon. -Going to eat an extra snack after dinner.
  • Thank you so much!!! I'm thinking about Zumba, too!
  • And I guess planks/crunches are the worst for this condition until the ab wall strengthens/closes some. It's the catch 22 that is kept me from loosing my baby weight. (Among some other events) and having a knowledgeable trainer. :(
  • Here's my go-to reference until I find a real-life mentor/health person: http://www.befitmom.com/diastasis_recti.html I would love to get this program, but I need a live person coaching me.
  • Awe. I'm sorry you had to end up with surgical intervention. That's tough! Thanks for the "core bracing" suggestion! Going to do some research when the kiddos are down for bed tonight! Happy New Year!
  • Thanks gal. My youngest just turned 2 and they are 13.5 months apart. Earlier in 2014 I tried a workout program and my core was still just too shot. It was quite painful and noticed even more puffing! I've been doing some simple strengthening exercises and breathing that I've found online (Mimi is the name) and really want…
  • Semi-shameless bump for PM-ers. :|
  • Thanks gal! Just whatever you do....DO NOT mention.... "that doctor's name"...out there! *shifty paranoid eyes* They will eat you alive for protein and spit out your bones like a pack of rabid wolves!!! I got ripped a new one last night. :D *thumbs up* It's just a strict no sugar, no alcohol, quinoa-only-carb, no pork/red…
  • PS Everyone! I understand the wild west of the interwebz n all... But you don't know what someone's story is behind your screen! You don't know their weight loss struggles. You don't know if they may have come to these forums just looking for support because they have none IRL. You don't know if this is their last and…
  • Thanks for actually responding with more than snark! No one knows me or my story this year! ;) For someone like me who needs a good spanking to shift my thinking, I actually NEED the restrictions until I can take the training wheels off again. Hokey or not...He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named takes me there psychologically. Being…
  • Hey guys....Didn't buy a thing! o:) just following a kick start to retrain my brain. I'm a FAT girl who is 50+ pounds overweight that needed a jolt and a kick in the butt to retrain my brain and see everything I'm putting into my body! The lame Dr. Oz is my first stepping stone! Thanks for the love!!! I'm definitely…
  • Oh....haha. Silly me! These forums are like THIS!!!
  • I'm lurking here because as soon as my 2 weeks are up with Dr. Oz's Total 10...I'm going straight in to it! I'm SOOOOOO looking forward to sweet potatoes about right now!!! :s