cocobongo Member


  • Whilst I agree that most Multi-Level Marketing things are scams and rally get my hackles up (in particular Juice Plus, Herbalife, Younique and those bloody slimming wraps) I wouldn't call Beach Body a scam - they are great and effective workouts. Can you get other workouts for free via YouTube etc. Sure. Can you get…
  • Runkeeper said 350...MFP around 200, just worked it out via that equation and it says 531 based presumably on if I did that walking on a treadmill so presumably even higher than that? See why I'm confused as to what is the most accurate? They vary wildly. I suppose at least the one I've logged was the lowest option but…
  • Ok good I'm not going crazy then!
  • Yes I know that, I just didn't realise it could vary as much as 800 cals for two people walking the same distance and speed just based on differences in height/weight/age etc.
  • I was wondering this also as I've logged 90 mins walking of just over 4 miles at a 2.5mph pace based on what Runkeeper told me pace and distance wise. MFP said that I will have burned around 200 cals. Someone else on my news feed walked the same amount of time at the same speed and logged over 1000 cals - I queried it and…
  • Brilliant! I have three weeks left of Gamma, loving the results so far!
  • I'm currently in Gamma round. This was my results from before starting Alpha to finishing Beta:
  • I don't believe the BS about what her doctor has advised her one bit. Like previously mentioned I've suffered from Anaemia basically my whole life due to a blood trait - it was at it's worse when I was pref but is a constant thing. What is the reality of that for me? If not on the pill and having real periods I feel like…
  • Also, I don't even know why I'm entertaining this but since you're university educated but had to come on line to ask if dry sugar would stick to dry cereal instead of just... Knowing... Or failing that, going into the kitchen and trying it... And then 20+ pages later are still whining about that and still haven't tried…
  • No. Not very rare at all. It's funny because my iron has been low for at least 15 years due to having Thallasemia Blood Trait. It was so low during pregnancy that I had to go to the doctors every two weeks to get blood works done and constantly told if it wasn't over a certain number (I forget now what that was as it was…
  • This thread is hilarious. OP - how are your fears of things such as iron injections/drips and blood transfusions? Or simply put, the next step if your health is as bad as you say and you "can't" remedy it by eating the correct diet or taking a supplement. Personally I'd rather swallow a pill than have someone else's blood…
  • Mine usually come in at around 230 but I usually have one of the following: Omelette made with 1 full egg, 3 egg whites, cheese, mushrooms and onion. 2 poached eggs on a bed of spinach in oil, lemon, garlic, salt and chilli A Fuel porridge pot. All yummy and filling.
  • I've been doing T25 and Yoga and eating at 1500 calories plus eating exercise cals back as and when I want to. I actually weigh and measure once a week and take photos at certain points - beginning/end of phases of T25, beginning and end of challenge groups etc. I used to be obsessed with the scale and lost a lot of…
  • Pictures definitely! This is a "only" 9lb weight loss:
  • Thanks everyone! It has definitely taught me big lessons about the scales!
  • Fab thank you! I'm hoping to get more definition
  • Thanks! Started today, Speed 3.0 is crazy! Going to do Pure and supplement it as I feel necessary. Do you have any progress pics from when you did it?
  • Thank you! Done it slow and steady this time, was aiming to lose 1lb a week and it seems to work as in the past I've lost very quickly and it not shown nearly as much so will have most likely been water weight and muscle mass. The tape measure has been my friend this time instead of the scales!
  • Pre and Post T25
  • Yeah I'm in a FB group but didn't feel like I was any the wiser from responses on there from Beachbody coaches either! I think like you @jacquagirl2000‌ I will follow Pure Gamma but perhaps supplement with other things like maybe some of my favourites from Alpha/Beta and a bit of PiYo.
  • in T 25 Comment by cocobongo March 2015
  • I've literally just finished Beta today! My results are: 9 1/4 lb loss 4 inches off waist 4 inches off chest 4.5 inches off hips 3 inches off each thigh!
    in T 25 Comment by cocobongo March 2015
  • Easy way to boost your cals if you don't want to eat more things would be to add flax seed to your meals. The Linwood's one with nuts & coenzyme is quite high in calories. Add it to food you're already eating. Other good options that are fairly high in calories but good for you would be nuts, chia seeds, coconut oil,…
  • I love these, particularly the Date and Orange ones. High sugar though. They also do a snack pack of Walnuts, Dates and Figs that I love for 35p. The Danone Danio yoghurts with the fruit layer are good for people who don't normally like yoghurt - very creamy and very sweet. And my favourite treat - Lick Frozen Yoghurt!
  • I HATE running and yet for years forced myself on and off to do it. Last year I ran consistently 3-4 times a week for 4 months and still didn't seem to get any better and never got to the point where I enjoyed it. I would say do something you don't hate - there's so many options out there now! For Cardio I now do T25 and I…
  • Should add, I also have things whenever I like so long as it's within my calories, I have desert every night (usually frozen yoghurt with various toppings), sea salt dark choc at least once a week and sour cream and chive pretzels once a week. However my cheat meal tends to be something that I wouldn't otherwise eat within…
  • The Barenaked Noodles from Holland & Barret or Morrisons are great and they pass the boyfriend and child test! Always have them in a stir fry with Salmon. I believe they don't work well as a pasta substitute as they apparently sort of repel the sauce! But as a stir fry noodle they're fantastic!
  • I now have a cheat meal once a week rather than a cheat day as I would completely binge for a full day in the past and un do my good work! If you want to see weight loss with a cheat meal/day then switch your nutrition view to week whilst logging your treats and make sure you are still under or on target of your weekly…
  • I actually don't find it boring! I have my daughter playing assistant in the kitchen with me, labelling the food bags, reading out and passing ingredients etc and we both actually really enjoy it. Plus, you know, it's teaching her good habits. We don't eat the same meal every day, we make a big variety of meals and they're…