cocobongo Member


  • I miss the Cheerios thread.
  • These are my results from after completing Alpha and Beta. I was mid way through Gamma and came down with tonsillitis so I feel like I will have lost a lot of muscle mass this past week so I'm kind of bummed my Gamma results won't be what they should have been when I finish it now. It's a great program though.
  • Not today but I'm super lucky to have these places on my doorstep!
  • Only came in the thread to make a Cheerio joke, beaten to it :D
  • Hi! I'm currently half way through Gamma - these were my results by the end of Beta! If you haven't already make sure to take before pics today and keep up with your measurements - they will really keep you motivated! We have a group of active users on here, I will try to add you now x
  • Excellent plan! I have been eating back I'd say between 75%-100% since January. I have been consistently losing weight so I'm not looking to change anything as such it just started to feel abut disheartening logging my calorie burns compared to seemingly everyone else on my timeline. I will stick at 75% for the next 4…
  • I did send it, just double checked... Try searching T25 for 2015 and see if the group comes up. Sorry I don't know how to link it x
  • Set MFP at what you would like to use and it will set you a daily allowance. Most prob between 1200-1500. Then log exercise as you do it and it will give you extra cals which you can eat back.
  • Hi we have an active group on here of those of us who are doing it... I'm not sure how to link it but it's great, I will try to send invites - I've never done it before so not sure how it works!
  • Sure but it won't be fat, it will be water weight and perhaps lean tissue. If your question is really "is it possible to make my body look drastically different in a week?" The answer is no.
  • Thank you! I'm not quite there yet and annoyingly I seem to carry fat on my ribs (who knew that was a thing!) that isn't budging yet but I'm super happy with my results so far and T25 is the only program I will have seen through from start to finish. I plan to move on to Athlean X after I finish Gamma but I will keep…
  • I would say it's most likely not value for money - we couldn't believe how much they charge for protein powder in a Holland & Barrett. Dolphin Fitness is good value for protein powders, Tesco is bad value, Holland & Barrett makes Tesco look cheap.
  • I often think this with marinades and sauces but log it as the full amount, if anything it means I'm over estimating my food which is what I would rather.
  • What are you logging from your Fitbit? Could be the culprit in over estimating cals if you are logging walking cals and eating them back. An example would be MFP told me I had burned 200 cals for 90 mins walking 4 miles and someone on my timeline logged 1000 cals for exactly the same time/distance/pace. Even taking into…
  • I do log my bad days (like the past two days!) mostly because how I've failed in the past is by skipping days like that and then just stopping logging completely from there. I'm on a 101 day streak now so I log no matter what I eat! X
  • I've only done the first two... As for whether it's worth the money is subjective and depends what you're looking for. Yoga wise my favourite will always be Yoga With Adrienne on YouTube which is of course free! I enjoyed the PiYo workout and found it quite challenging despite doing other more high impact workouts and…
  • Hi, yes I have! These are my results from when I completed Beta round. I'm half way through Gamma currently!
  • 5ft 0", 9lb and lots of inches down since January. Don't have a goal weight but would like to work on building muscle and reducing body fat.
  • I'm currently into Gamma round of T25 would highly recommend it as a beginner program I've had great results with it and from what I've read is easier than the Insanity programs, allows modifications etc. These are my results by the end of Beta:
  • Once a week, also take measurements once a week and photos around once a month-6 weeks.
  • Thanks everyone. I didn't even click onto the fact OP mentioned losing 3lbs since March so is actually losing at a healthy rate! 1lb a week and down to 0.5 a week as you get closer to goal of you want to keep lean muscle mass. It's not a race. Consistently keep your calories in less than your calories out and you will…
  • Why on earth the sad face smiley about losing inches? I'd far rather lose inches than lbs! Here is my "only" 9lb loss since the start of Jan: In the past I've lost weigh more than that lbs wise much more quickly... 5lbs in a week sometimes. And guess what? A 9lb loss back then looked like barely anything as most of it was…
  • Not much help to you either but I have a similar problem I think mine currently shows 4.5lb and last time I weighed in I'd lost 9lbs. Very frustrating!
  • I eat toast and peanut butter on the regular and I'm consistently losing weight and building muscle. On those days you want it, eat it. So long as you stay within your macros it's irrelevant.
  • My ribs. Seriously. :s
  • Ah yes his channel is great. YouTube is fantastic for fitness videos!
  • Great thread. Following.
  • Haha brilliant! Which exercise was it?
  • It's a training program, 2 days cardio and 3 days weights a week. It's all accessed online rather than buying DVDs. That's what I mean though it's strange no one seems to have heard of it/talk about it.
  • I went for Pure Gamma too in the end, got a little behind last week due to work but I'm due to finish week 2 tomorrow. Plan to go onto Athlean X after this.