aneesto Member


  • I am taking pizotifen for migraine prevention and it actually helps quite a lot. Sometimes after increasing the dose, the effect was immediate - the next day no sign of migraine. But the weight gain is a real thing. I went off the medication last year and lost all the kilos i put on while taking the medication in about 2-3…
    in Pizotifen Comment by aneesto June 2017
  • I know eating loads in the evening is counterproductive since by not eating enough during the day you're running down your body and in the evening you're kicking a laying dog with a tonne of calories to be digested when you're body is already getting ready to sleep and metabolism slows down significantly. Once in a while…
  • A couple of years ago I was the chubby lazy girl in high school who was looking for excuses not to do the 600 m run at school. But ive found a great method to help overcome that burning sensation. If you you're a total beginner try running 2 minutes and walking 3 minutes and do it for about 20 minutes 3 times a weak. Next…
  • Theres another story that can help motivate some people but may not work for others. Mym mum got breast cancer-non genetic and as part of her recovery she has to follow a strict diet- only natural fats, little meat only organic if anything, lots of veggies and fruit, and no fried nor processed foods. And she is doing…
  • Now, this has plenty of golden advice. Made me feel better actually. Thanks!
  • There with boss has been pissing me off for two days on top of avocadoes and other low card protein rich foods I had chicken and chips...kinda better than wine? Doesn't hurt your liver, right?........ Need to recover some of those calories at the gym tomorrow. But clearly its not easy to keep up healthy…