BanannieFabian Member


  • Hi Liz! I get very discouraged, but I've gotten better at reminding myself why I need to eat this way and it helps. I want to look and feel better. I want less inflammation and pain. I want to be able to keep working. I want to be able to do things with my friends and family. Reminding myself of these things has helped me…
  • Try to decrease stress. Do what you can to make your day go as smoothly as possible. For me that meant better time management and fewer dogs. Due to physical limitations, I can't do the same amount of dogs I did in my twenties. Make yourself a priority. As groomers we tend to put our clients ahead of ourselves to the…
  • From one groomer to another, you can do it!
  • I'm Annie, recently turned 36 years and am a Certified Professional Groomer. I haven't been diagnosed with RA, but I'm fairly certain that's what I have due to my symptoms. All my life I've been sickly. I'm a teen cancer survivor of Hodgkin's Disease. I've dealt with migraines, widespread pain, fatigue and many more health…