LizzT77 Member


  • Thanks, Jeff!!
    in Plateau! Comment by LizzT77 August 2015
  • Yea! I've lost 50 pounds before doing it my way and in a healthy way. Guess I got caught up with "what's in" right now. Going back to what worked for me! :)
    in Plateau! Comment by LizzT77 August 2015
  • The very hard way!
    in Plateau! Comment by LizzT77 August 2015
  • I was thinking the same thing about eating more than I need to. They had me switch to paleo/clean eating and I think that's what did it. They said if I eat clean I don't need to count calories.
    in Plateau! Comment by LizzT77 August 2015
  • I stopped losing weight about 10 months ago and starting gaining and have been stuck at 145 since October. Actually I went up in weight about 15 pounds when I completey gave up running and switched to crossfit. Trust me, it's not muscle, it's fat! I can show you pictures. So now I started running again about 1 month ago…
    in Plateau! Comment by LizzT77 August 2015
  • Yup! I tried eating clean and doing paleo and noticed I was having more binges than just eating everything in moderation. So I went back to eating everything in moderation but I still stay away from bread.