Stuck in a binge/healthy eating cycle



  • MayaEmProject
    MayaEmProject Posts: 18 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'm really restricting myself, I've replaced most of the food I "crave" with healthier options. The only food I've cut out is bread. I never skip meals, and I smack throughout the day. I manage to stay with a calorie range of 1200-1400, but when boredom/stress/etc sets in, I'll eat anything in my path
    I've similar problem, but what's kind of funny I don't binge due to craving foods I don't eat anymore (junk, sweets, bars, chips, pastries) I don't mind not eating them anymore... I binge with food I eat every day which is quite healthy I would say but the amount of it is just scary... till I feel sick... I've been challenging myself several times with marking days in my calendar as breaking that habit. I've reden You need 21-28 days to break it and it really helps me. I do this every time I'm back to 'that' day and after 28 days it's way easier to stay on track. Unfortunately as human being we have these days and to me mindless eating goes back. Now my stomach is quite small and it's easy to make me feel sick so when that day comes I eat popcorn/nuts/granola and drink whole 1l of unsweetened almond milk. I know it might sound ridiculous for some but it keeps me stay not as much over my calories with feeling sick. I know it's bad but still fighting with it over and over again.
    What I do also to distract myself is my designing, sewing hobby, online shopping, writting on MFP :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I'm really restricting myself, I've replaced most of the food I "crave" with healthier options. The only food I've cut out is bread. I never skip meals, and I smack throughout the day. I manage to stay with a calorie range of 1200-1400, but when boredom/stress/etc sets in, I'll eat anything in my path

    You may simply be not eating enough. What's your height and weight? Are you set to lose 0.5 pounds per week? With only 28 pounds to lose, creating a deficit of more than a few hundred calories per day may be too aggressive.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    That's what happens when you restrict yourself, it's not sustainable.

    I eat everything in moderation. Basically 80/20.

  • LizzT77
    LizzT77 Posts: 7 Member
    Yup! I tried eating clean and doing paleo and noticed I was having more binges than just eating everything in moderation. So I went back to eating everything in moderation but I still stay away from bread.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I'm really restricting myself, I've replaced most of the food I "crave" with healthier options. The only food I've cut out is bread. I never skip meals, and I smack throughout the day. I manage to stay with a calorie range of 1200-1400, but when boredom/stress/etc sets in, I'll eat anything in my path

    I was never able to conquer binges until I figured out a way to eat foods that I love each day. This doesn't mean you have to eat hundreds of calories of ice cream or pizza daily. But for me, I have to be excited about something that I am planning to eat. The foods I crave are mainly salty, so I will plan to have a few olives before dinner, some peanut sauce on cucumber noodles for lunch, a portion of tortilla chips and salsa for a snack . . . whatever it is, giving myself leeway to have foods I love makes it easier for me to hit my daily goal.
  • LunaInverse
    LunaInverse Posts: 109 Member
    Idk I'm doing the clean eating thing for about a month and haven't had any problems really. That being said, 2-3 days a week I have a "eat whatever I want" type of day, so long as the food isn't over saturated with sugar, sodium, or fat, and I stay within my calorie range. I cycle too, so on my "eat whatever" days I get 1800 calories of yum :D
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Idk I'm doing the clean eating thing for about a month and haven't had any problems really. That being said, 2-3 days a week I have a "eat whatever I want" type of day, so long as the food isn't over saturated with sugar, sodium, or fat, and I stay within my calorie range. I cycle too, so on my "eat whatever" days I get 1800 calories of yum :D

    that seems sort of pointless :|

    What benefits are there to 'clean eating'?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I've been stuck in this cycle of eating healthy and clean for a few days then crashing and having a HUGE binge, does anyone have any advice? Or is dealing with the same thing?

    What in the heck is clean eating?

    My advise is to just eat what you normally do but in smaller portions.

    I suspect you are binging because you are depriving yourself of foods you love.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I'm really restricting myself, I've replaced most of the food I "crave" with healthier options. The only food I've cut out is bread. I never skip meals, and I smack throughout the day. I manage to stay with a calorie range of 1200-1400, but when boredom/stress/etc sets in, I'll eat anything in my path

    You may simply be not eating enough. What's your height and weight? Are you set to lose 0.5 pounds per week? With only 28 pounds to lose, creating a deficit of more than a few hundred calories per day may be too aggressive.

    This as well.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Serah87 wrote: »
    That's what happens when you restrict yourself, it's not sustainable.

    I eat everything in moderation. Basically 80/20.


    And this, this. :D
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I feel like it's a habit more than something I do because I'm hungry because I eat A LOT since my diet is mainly organic food which tends to be on the low side of calories. My problem is getting out of that habit it turning to food as a solution to negative emotions, you know?

    Organic food doesn't have less calories than the similar food which isn't labeled as "organic". It simply meets standards which the government has determined makes it organic. It isn't even grown without pesticides, just specific ones. If, on the other hand, you mean that you're mostly eating fruits and vegetables which are lower in calories, then that makes more sense.

    An 18 year old's body and brain are still growing. Make sure you aren't being so restrictive in calories that you're denying yourself your full potential by chronically under-eating. Habitually eating far fewer calories than your body needs will also cause it to cannibalize your lean muscle mass for energy especially if you aren't strength training with progressively heavier weights. Losing muscle mass now will set you up for a lifetime of problems as your metabolism will be slower as a result and through the years it will be that much harder to maintain a healthy weight. Just something to think about.
  • TremendouslyMagnificentYouth
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I'm really restricting myself, I've replaced most of the food I "crave" with healthier options. The only food I've cut out is bread. I never skip meals, and I smack throughout the day. I manage to stay with a calorie range of 1200-1400, but when boredom/stress/etc sets in, I'll eat anything in my path

    You may simply be not eating enough. What's your height and weight? Are you set to lose 0.5 pounds per week? With only 28 pounds to lose, creating a deficit of more than a few hundred calories per day may be too aggressive.

    I'm 5'5 and I'm down to my last 5kg so when I increase my calories, I'm stuck at the same weight. I already work out 6 days a week (cardio with 2 strength/toning classes) so increasing exercise isnt an option haha
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I'm really restricting myself, I've replaced most of the food I "crave" with healthier options. The only food I've cut out is bread. I never skip meals, and I smack throughout the day. I manage to stay with a calorie range of 1200-1400, but when boredom/stress/etc sets in, I'll eat anything in my path

    You may simply be not eating enough. What's your height and weight? Are you set to lose 0.5 pounds per week? With only 28 pounds to lose, creating a deficit of more than a few hundred calories per day may be too aggressive.

    I'm 5'5 and I'm down to my last 5kg so when I increase my calories, I'm stuck at the same weight. I already work out 6 days a week (cardio with 2 strength/toning classes) so increasing exercise isnt an option haha

    If you are engaging in regular binging, you may be wiping out any calorie deficit you are creating on the days you are hitting your goals. This could be why you are stuck. Are you set to lose .5 a week or have you set it to more?