Okay so I have nothing to say right now, This is my opinion. Thank you for sharing and have a good day.
Wow it shows your true character saying that thanks. You guys are awfully nice.
Oh I'm not saying I'm an expert in GMO's just saying this is one of the videos I have watched and this is my opinion on it.
Omgsh okay my school has failed me. Okay then
This is why I don't agree.
- this was one of the videos I found.
Anyways, thank you for sharing your thoughts I appreciate it, just don't know if I agree. Thank you again
Sorry maybe I should of said it differently.
No I heard about GMO's for a long time actually but never cared about it till now. If you have nothing good to say then why say it.
In my opinion GMO foods are not natural. But if you don't agree that's fine.
I'm just not going to comment, because this isn't going anywhere. I'm sorry if I offended anyone. But that is my opinion and so far isn't changing.
Umm ok.. Well this is my opinion and I have a right to speak. And I have learnt something today. That I clearly can't write my opinion.
I'm not trying to start anything up, this was just my opinion, don't want to upset people.
No GMO's aren't good for us and have been proven. There has been testing on rats and the rat that only ate GMO foods ended suffering from a big tumour. Watched a documentary. Yes GMO's feeds more people but we are feeding people not the healthiest foods. It's my opinion that eating organic non GMO foods are better because…
Far as I'm concern even with the GMO... We still aren't feeding everyone. People are still starving.
Wow wasn't expecting so many comments. Lol
Just wanted some advice, I have a website and just wondering how's the best way to get yourself out there
It's just my opinion but the things I found out about GMO's aren't the greatest for you.
Thank you! :)
Thank you for the help :)
Yeah been trying to find some good Zumba classes online but can't find any.
Try to drink a glass of water before eating sweets, it fills your stomach up before eating anything so that way you don't eat as much. Helps me.