mph323 Member


  • You do know there are Atkins frozen meals and processed snacks, righ? Things like "Atkins Peanut Caramel Cluster Bar" for instance.
  • Do you mean the starred threads? I have that too on my Android phone. I don't have the link to "my posts" that I have on my PC - do you have that on your Google? That's the link to every post I've made in every thread. Really handy sometimes when I'm trying to keep from repeating myself in half a dozen threads :)
  • Well, as far as the OP goes, I lost 50 pounds on mostly processed food and very little exercise, and all my health markers returned to normal range. Not the healthiest diet, but a full time job plus a 4 hour daily commute kind of limited my options. Calorie counting worked just fine for me without fasting or restricting…
  • If you go to the fitbit community there are two epic threads about how anyone can do 50,000 and 100,000 steps a day consistently :) The threads are hysterical, and you can find every crazy scheme in the universe to up your step count. Plus cheating in challenges, some guy who says he's a podiatrist insisting that more than…
  • I'm encouraged by the stats I saw this morning for my city (population ~66K). 72.2% of residents over 12 are vaccinated (and that number would be bumped up somewhat by adding people who had covid and recovered). We don't seem to have much in the way of community spread any more, and the exposure notices from my grandson's…
  • This is weird because it's not available on my Android phone, but if you're using the desktop application, click on the bell symbol at the the top of the page and scroll down to click on "all notifications". This will take you to the page where you can see your badges etc. About halfway down the page to the left will be a…
  • If it's affordable for you, I think it's an excellent idea. Up until the pandemic I worked with a personal trainer for two and a half years, and I was in amazing shape when we had to stop. I was so lucky to have her working with me since I had just joined a gym and could have been randomly assigned anyone. This trainer…
  • Exactly! I'm (F/70/120 lbs) mostly staying within my calorie allowance (working on losing some pandemic pounds) but I can certainly put away more than a few thousand calories over the occasional extended nice dinner. I believe I would need an inspiring mentor if I was unable to allow myself to enjoy the indulgence :)
  • Context: I'm having a heated discussion with a relative whose argument is that all countries with similar demographics will eventually have similar hospitalization and death statistics, and that those who take the hit in the beginning of a wave (Sweden for instance) by not imposing strict health mandates will get to…
  • edit: sorry, quoted the wrong person, I meant to respond to @kshama2001 :( Fair enough. I changed the original to refer to countries rather than states. I really am trying to work out how this could ultimately play out in terms of lives lost vs. economic impact, meaning will all countries in the end have a similar outcome…
  • My grandson is in third grade in a school that is very compliant with mask mandates and social distancing and the area has a high vaccine rate, but my daughter is still getting at least one notice every day about a positive test in the school. So far no problems with his class but it's only a matter of time. We're just…
  • I am so sick *of articles that start "According to science..." or "Studies show..." or "Doctors say...". And why are they always "5 foods"?? *Never eat these 5 foods if you want to lose weight! *Always eat these 5 foods if you want to live longer! *These 5 foods will rev your metabolism! *The same 5 foods will kill you!…
  • I just saw this article in my newsfeed, and it's chilling how easily the delta variant spreads. I live in CA where we have a mask mandate for schools, and yet one teacher was able to spread the virus to half her class, and eventually a total of 26 children and adults. This happened in a small school about 60 miles away…
  • To quote a comment, click on the "Quote" item at the bottom of the comment box. It will put the comment in quotes into your new comment box. Look at the comment before you type anything. You will see [quote=" at the start of the quote, and [/quote] after the last word. Start a new line after the end quote and you can type…
  • I read an article (so consider the source) that talked about being able to eventually develop a vax that is effective against mutations, using virus sites that all covid-19 viruses have in common. Not in the next couple of years, though. Since they reformulate the flu vax every year to try to address whatever strains they…
  • I posted this earlier in the thread and I think I jinxed myself :( I've only been back to the gym for about a week, and I go at times when I know it'll be mostly empty. We have a big cardio room with at least two dozen treadmills among other machines, and there will only be three or four in use when I'm there, so easy to…
  • I think there's a particular group of people on any weight management site who use the program to track their undereating in an attempt to lose weight fast. For instance, I suspect some people who post threads about not eating back exercise calories and still losing too slowly just find like-minded friends when the forum…
  • OP, I lost 50 pounds over about 18 months, and my weight loss chart looks exactly like the one above. If you're feeling defeated about not seeing progress on a daily basis, it might be more helpful to weight yourself once a week so you see less variation due to water retention and release. Your chart will still look…
    in 1lb Comment by mph323 August 2021
  • I have a fitbit charge 4 and with it synced to MFP I see the steps as well as the calories burned (calories are definitely inflated, though). On my android phone the steps show up under the Exercise heading at the bottom of the Diary page. I'm not logged in on my laptop so I'm not sure how that works there.
  • OP is in lockdown and not allowed to leave their neighborhood. I would give Zombie Run a try also. It really makes you focus on the story, and gives you a purpose when you run! Edited to add that when I can run outside (smoke and heat is a problem right now) I too have the same route all the time. I do find switching up…
  • Oh yeah, that reminds me! I hate it when I want to use the cable machine and the last person left it clicked in at the very top.* I'm 5'3" so I have to drag the small box over to stand on to get it into a lower hole, then drag the box back. Sometimes I stand there and look frustrated and a taller person in the vicinity…
  • I prefer @tinkerbellang83 's chart for general use in helping people see how MFP works and how to understand calorie and weight loss goals, so I think it's the right one for questions involving basic setup and questions about how weight loss works in the context of this app. I believe the discussion there should center on…
  • Well, maybe the Alli one as a cautionary tale. And I really hope the wolf spider one never dies :p I absolutely agree with this, especially waking up threads just to disagree. I think sometimes though people type a question into google, a thread from MFP comes up and they create an account so they can comment. That's…
  • Welcome! Losing 10 pounds by Christmas is absolutely a reasonable goal :) Put your stats into MFP and enter your desired rate of loss as .5 pounds a week. While eating fewer calories than you burn is the only way to lose weight, you sound fairly active and if you're hungry all the time you may not be eating enough to…
  • A bunch of open treadmills and somebody gets on the one next to me and starts running with sweat flying everywhere. Yuck :(
  • Oh, my bad, it was cilantro. "Cilantro tastes like soap." Apparently I forgot to add "LOL" :D
  • Huh. I started caring for my health when I was 66 and lost 50 pounds in 18 months. My rate of loss wasn't noticeably different than when I lost 30 pounds in my 40's. I'm 70 now and gained 20 pandemic pounds which I'm losing now at the same rate as when I was in my 60's. I just got a disagree on a post I wrote in 2018…