amandazona Member


  • I weigh every morning first thing and check in daily with whatever the scale says. I don't get discouraged seeing the ups and downs on the scale or on my weight graph in MFP - I actually prefer seeing all the data points (data nerd here!). As long as the overall weight trend is towards my goal (downwards) then I am fine.
  • This works for me, too. I weigh everyday and log it so that I can prove to myself that weight loss isn't linear. If the scale seems "stuck" I just stick to my plan and eventually it moves. After tracking daily over several weeks I can see the overall downward trend. :smile:
  • Me too! Flagstaff is one of my favorite places to visit in the state.
  • Haha, I take vitamin D and I'm in the sunny southwest! My Dr. checked my vitamin D levels with bloodwork last year and despite living in AZ I still was below the 40.-50.0 ng/mL recommended range. She says most people probably don't get enough. I have noticed a pretty marked improvement in my mood since taking it daily…
  • Me too. It sounds kind of silly but it's motivating to me to see the "streak" counter increasing. :smiley: