aguinnmc Member


  • Hobby Lobby, Michaels, JoAnns, or a similar craft store should have it. Hobby Lobby usually has great coupons and sales. You can also order it online. Cheap Joes is a good inexpensive source. Any art supply store should carry them and they range in price based on the size and manufacturer. If you don't need it wrapped in a…
  • You can get liquid stevia with flavor and add a few drops to your water. There are some really good options now. I love Liquid MiO - the purple one. I carry it with me and squirt a little into my water if I need something with taste. My husband adds lime to his water instead of lemon and loves it. I keep flavor packets…
  • Because of health reasons, I have not been able to work out recently. In spite of this, I am still losing over my weekly goal by watching my diet. It can be done. However, it sounds as if you are feeling more lazy now than you have in the past. You may want to consider what is causing the fatigue. You may have a vitamin…
  • Bhuja - Spicy Peas are great for me. They pack a punch and you don't need many to curb your need for a snack. They also help me meet my water goals since they are so spicy. Also, if you eat with your less dominant hand you have to think more about each bite you take....not as automatic of a process. That might help lower…