achefling Member


  • Up again this week, 152.5. I’m getting ready to go on a business trip next week, but once I return I need to look at some of my habits. Weekends tend to be better for me since I’m more active, during the week I’m tied to my desk, sitting all day. I do work out each morning, lifting weights and a 2 mile walk but that’s it.…
  • Yes, one day at a time. Congrats on getting sober! Weight loss is also difficult because we see it fluctuate so often, my mantra is “Trust the process”. If we are doing the right things, then it will happen. If we find we aren’t doing the right things (most of the time) then it’s time to drill down our diet strategy…
  • That is great! You have done the hard work and proved to yourself it is worth the effort, congrats!
  • Had an up/down week myself. A lot of stress at work this week. I work at home so on those weeks I find myself snacking through the day rather than eating meals. Even though I work from home, I always pack a salad for lunch to have it ready but then forego that for peanut butter. 😡 I am in the middle of my range at 151.2…
  • Plain yogurt is one of my go-to foods. I stock up on cranberries when they are in season and usually have frozen cranberries and ground flax seeds. Sometimes I include pumpkin purée. No sweetners, I like the tartness. I’ve also included coffee which is pretty good. I’ve tried protein powders but the mix of the sweetener in…
  • I’ll chime in too. I gained about 10-12 lbs Jan thru March this year and it has been slow coming off. I’ve been tracking my weight daily for the past week and it fluctuates between 149 to 153 this morning. I’d like to get down to a range of 139 to 143. Starting weight: 153 Goal: 139
  • The only limitation with a 4’ bar would be squats. I’m not sure you could find a squat rack that small. I would suggest getting an Olympic bar. I made the mistake of getting a standard bar then couldn’t find 45# weights when I progressed with deadlifts and this happens fairly quickly. Another consideration would be…
  • I’m in! I’ve heard a lot about Keto, thinking of trying this.