Weekly accountability and reflection

I’m doing this for myself, but if anyone sees this and wants to do the same, go for it. I have gained 15-20 pounds over the last 2 years and can’t seem to get it off. I have had success with in person communities, but that is no longer an option, so I’m going to supplement here. I’m going to update each week on Sundays for myself.

Starting weight: 145.6
Goal weight: 128

7/21: 145.6



  • annahops
    annahops Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! Im in a very similar boat. I'll do the same! I've been feeling like I want to lose it, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty I'm not super motivated, because I'm at a "passable" weight. But the extra 10/15 pounds right now just feels crappy. Here if you need any support!

    I'll update on Sundays with you. But will start today.

    Starting weight: 141.5
    Goal weight: 130 (ideally 125 but going to start with 130 and see how I feel)

    Tuesday July 23: 141.5
  • achefling
    achefling Posts: 8 Member
    I’ll chime in too. I gained about 10-12 lbs Jan thru March this year and it has been slow coming off. I’ve been tracking my weight daily for the past week and it fluctuates between 149 to 153 this morning. I’d like to get down to a range of 139 to 143.

    Starting weight: 153
    Goal: 139
  • annahops
    annahops Posts: 7 Member
    Hey all,

    Tried to be more conscious this week. Worked out a bit more, ate better etc. But last night was not great, didn't eat super well. Aiming for more consistency this week!

    Sunday July 28th: 141.00 (down .5)
  • annahops
    annahops Posts: 7 Member
    Totally get that. Definitely give yourself the time, and not be super hard on yourself. Every day is a new day, and the getting frustrated and going off the rails thing is so relatable ! My original weight last Sunday was up cause I did that. Now working back down again. We got this!! If you need to check in here more often than once a week that can help too.

  • achefling
    achefling Posts: 8 Member
    Had an up/down week myself. A lot of stress at work this week. I work at home so on those weeks I find myself snacking through the day rather than eating meals. Even though I work from home, I always pack a salad for lunch to have it ready but then forego that for peanut butter. 😡

    I am in the middle of my range at 151.2 but not making any traction on losing.
  • achefling
    achefling Posts: 8 Member
    Yes, one day at a time. Congrats on getting sober! Weight loss is also difficult because we see it fluctuate so often, my mantra is “Trust the process”. If we are doing the right things, then it will happen. If we find we aren’t doing the right things (most of the time) then it’s time to drill down our diet strategy process and consider if we need a new strategy, perhaps the system we are using isn’t one that fits our style, our personality.

    When you look at your old pictures, turn that self-talk around, if you did it once, you can do it again.
  • lruch17
    lruch17 Posts: 50 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. Feeling just awful being 30 pounds overweight. I haven't felt motivated at all recently, but am determined to get back at it and be consistent. Consistent with my weighing and food logging, getting up and work out. I am posting to keep myself accountable. Weekends are my downfall as well. I will post at least every Monday to make the habit stick.
    CW: 189.5
    GW: 160 -165 range
  • annahops
    annahops Posts: 7 Member
    I'm away on a work trip right now for the week, and have no scale. But I'm not drinking and going for a run daily, hoping this will get my in the right direction! We will see when I'm back this weekend.
  • achefling
    achefling Posts: 8 Member
    Up again this week, 152.5. I’m getting ready to go on a business trip next week, but once I return I need to look at some of my habits. Weekends tend to be better for me since I’m more active, during the week I’m tied to my desk, sitting all day. I do work out each morning, lifting weights and a 2 mile walk but that’s it.

    Current weight: 152.5
    Goal weight: 140
  • cbreck848
    cbreck848 Posts: 11 Member
    143.8 (down 1.2)

    Couple of things I’m noticing. It’s small decisions that help me. Big sweeping intense goals feel good in the moment but the intense ups have intense downs. It’s too much added pressure. But you know what I can do? When my kids want to go get slushies on a hot day I get a Diet Pepsi instead. When I feel the urge to late night binge, I see if my stomach is actually hungry (it’s usually not). But if I feel compelled, I eat cherries or frozen grapes instead of cheese or peanut butter. It’s more the not getting resentful about not getting to do something. Hard to explain.

    There is a part of me that wants a giant instagram transformation. But maybe the way to get there is a series of tiny choices in a given moment that add up.
  • jess2023mac
    jess2023mac Posts: 41 Member
    Wow, I'm right there as well. :/ Gained 20# in the past year, lost some, gained some, complete yo-yo trend now. I feel miserable about my lack of control. And someone mentioned peanut butter. Eeks, that has been the worst for me. :( And those calories mount up fast.

    I have a doctor's appointment Sept. 23rd so I'm hoping I can lose a few pounds before then and feel more motivated.

    Today's my first day back to more mindful and careful eating, logging foods, participating in these forums. Cutting down sugar and fat, eating more veggies/fruits/chicken

    Good luck everyone!! Keep up the forward momentum and strong spirit!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    I’ve also gained above my maintenance and didn’t lose it this year as I had thought I would/could. I just kept loving eating the ice cream and candy that came my way, uninvited.
    133#. Goal is 127#. Was at 136 but started to lose once I started logging again. Sure it’s just water weight.
  • baroncarmen
    baroncarmen Posts: 3 Member

    I can relate! I'm 5'2 and 145 pounds. I've gained 10 pounds in the last 10 months. Since my late 20s I've always had 15 pounds that I just couldn't lose. I've always been moderately active. Love dancing and going for walks but lately I've been procrastinating exercising and I've always had a hard time controlling snacking throughout the day.

    CW: 145
    GW: 125
  • annahops
    annahops Posts: 7 Member
    Okay weighed myself for the first time in a week, 141.7. So maintaining this for now. Aiming for 1 or 2 pounds lighter within the next 2 weeks!
  • cbreck848
    cbreck848 Posts: 11 Member
    142.2. Yippee! Down a total of 3.4 so far.

    Really trying to focus on small changes and choices so I don’t overwhelm myself.

    This past week I’m trying to practice pausing and checking in with my body to see if I’m actually hungry. I think it’s helped a lot.
  • TheRusticRebel
    TheRusticRebel Posts: 34 Member
    Im gonna join in here. I keep trying and failing. And have about 50lb to lose. Ive done this before. In 2018 i went from 197 to 138. I was feeling good and maintained till about 2020. Just fell of the healthy wagon completely during lockdown. Without my regular routine it just fell apart and i slowly gained all my weight back and a week ago.i started my weightloss journey again. At 193. Ugh. Today i was 191.2. So yay! I need somewhere to post like this. I tried a daily thread a few months ago but that was too much and i ended up quiting.

    For me just kot eating cheetos and cheezits out of the vending machine at work and taking healthy lunch instead of going out for fast food has been all i needed. I need to add in some walking soon. But for now im trying to.stick to not eating so much junk
  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,735 Member
    cbreck848 wrote: »
    142.2. Yippee! Down a total of 3.4 so far.

    Really trying to focus on small changes and choices so I don’t overwhelm myself.

    This past week I’m trying to practice pausing and checking in with my body to see if I’m actually hungry. I think it’s helped a lot.

    You got this. You've realized the most important thing... it's the small changes we make to our lifestyle (ie the diet soda rather than the slushie) that are what create true, long term weight loss and maintenence.
  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,735 Member
    edited August 25
    Im gonna join in here. I keep trying and failing. And have about 50lb to lose. Ive done this before. In 2018 i went from 197 to 138. I was feeling good and maintained till about 2020. Just fell of the healthy wagon completely during lockdown. Without my regular routine it just fell apart and i slowly gained all my weight back and a week ago.i started my weightloss journey again. At 193. Ugh. Today i was 191.2. So yay! I need somewhere to post like this. I tried a daily thread a few months ago but that was too much and i ended up quiting.

    For me just kot eating cheetos and cheezits out of the vending machine at work and taking healthy lunch instead of going out for fast food has been all i needed. I need to add in some walking soon. But for now im trying to.stick to not eating so much junk

    😂 that's what I did... I used to bring a family size bag of cheetos into work and plow through it throughout the day. Then, I decided "ok, no more bags of cheetos at work". It made a big difference.