kez0305 Member


  • Well done! It can be hard to kept on track. I found taking photos of myself say weekly helped me see the changes especially when the scales get 'stuck'
  • Thanks :) Height about 167cm starting weight 80kgs
  • So far down 9.5kgs - 5.5kgs to go! Not only lost body fat but gained strength and flexibility. At the start of my weight loss journey 9weeks ago, I could only get my legs level with my hips. now I can touch the floor with my feet!
  • Thanks ladies :) And yes AF or Aunt Flo (period related) This is the first month I've taken any notice of my weight so I was hoping is wasn't just me lol. I was having steady weight loss until about 2 days before now 2 days into it and it feels like I'm doing twice the work just to stay the same weight. Hopefully it's all…