aliciajkerr Member


  • Under cardio there's kickboxing and it says (includes turbo jam) which is a variation or turbo fire! It's 909 Cals an hour according to MFP! and I believe it. It's one hell of a work out. I don't think it's technically a type of Zumba @Cinnamonhuskies‌. If you want to try it it's a beach body DVD or your gym may have a…
  • I'm in the same boat as all of you ladies! I'm looking to lost at least 50 and from there we'll see. I'm looking for friends to support each other along the journey.
  • I'm in the same boat as all of you! 60 lbs by summer would be great. My diary is shared as well. I love seeing other peoples use of calories and stealing their ideas for meals!
  • I'm looking to lose some weight once and for all myself. Working and being healthy and sustainable this time instead of fad dieting or going hard core and crashing like in the past. Feel free to add me!
  • I'm in a similar boat to you ladies as well! I've used MFP in the past as well as Weight Watchers. I'd lost about 10 lbs on WW this winter but gained 5 of it back over the holidays. I decided I'd rather count calories with something with a more broad data base of foods and a smaller price tag. I think accountability will…