Avidcutz Member


  • Except it happens ALL the time. Like, have you opened a book or consulted a doctor? This is why most eating disorders in fat/obese people are not addressed, because of the myth that they can't have one.
  • I have the same issue! Which is why I'm going to ask: Are you sure you don't have an eating disorder? I know I do and that is why I have issues meeting the 1200 cal goal. Sometimes we train ourselves to not feel hungry, or alternatively we start to fail to recognize when we are, and because of how much we weight, having…
  • Trataron hacer un grupo de translatores, para tener mas habladores en español en la website, pero no se que paso- se parece que nadie e hablado en ese grupo desde 2013.
  • Hey it's totally do-able. Personally I'm looking to lose 50lb (or more) by june, which means in order to do that- I NEED to lose 25 before May. If 50lb loss is do able (which it is) by June- I guarantee you can lose 25lb by May!
  • Join some of the time oriented groups on here (example: I joined 50 Lbs By July), beside giving wicked support- they can help you. I feel like you really have to examine your eating style, for example in general I eat a LOT of protein based foods, so after looking around online, I've opted for a diet heavy on proteins (I…
  • Right here, Started at 180, I'm at 173 now, my goal is 110 (a Grand total of 70 pounds to lose, I stand at a complicated 4'11 and a half feet). There's a group called 50 Lbs By July and they're super active on their forums and are keeping track via an accessible gdocs excel sheet of everyone's weight loss. But there are…
  • That is awesome!!! Congrats!!
  • If I am unable to consume 1200 calories in a day I'm not to sure how raising it will help. It would just make it a larger number I'm under eating by, wouldn't it?
  • I think it suggested 1200 because I'm super short.
  • @Hearts_2015: Thank you. I had tried losing weight before and always fall back on well, unhealthiness. So I figured if I did it guided, it might help me out lots. Yeah, MFP suggested a 1200 pound diet for losing a pound a week. I thought if I had a goal to met it'd make it easier. So far, it's just made it a lot more real…
  • @Billieljaime: Not aimed at you soooo... not sure why you're commenting. No where did I say I was proud to be eating less, infact I said it was a problem. "There isn't much in it, but what there is, well, it's personal. I talk about my ED, my health issues, my personal history with a not the best life and well, Me being…
  • when I was smaller- it was really as simple as dedicating myself to an activity. My pesonal choices are soccer and swimming- doing those and going about my daily life had ALWAYS maintained me (swimming tones like crazy too). Having moved away from where I could maintain this level of activity left me, well, to get larger…
  • I find if you workout 15-20 mins when you wake up in the morning before you eat and then work out 15-10 mins before you go to sleep at night, it keeps your calories in check. if you go to sleep each night with between 800-900 remaining calories- you'll lose weight faster. It's a matter of exactly what you're aiming to…