Been here a week and so far- I'm down to stay

I'm aiming to lose 70 pounds before summer hits- so far that's mean waking up early, working out 15-30 minutes first thing and doing it again right before I go to sleep. And a week later I did lose my first 5 pounds, so I'm trying to keep my motivation up so I can keep hitting these workouts hard everyday. It's slightly distressing that I workout a lot and can't always input the workout here (it's just really complicated translating a Tabata workout, or a youtube workout to the structure MFP has and the first 3 days I did, but then I realized I was wasting working out time and cooling down in the process of trying to calorie count/keep track of what I am doing and that just doesn't work for me), so I generally do 2 or 3 workouts that end up not even being counted on here.

- That said- I'm following MFP's suggestion Calorie goal of only eating 1200 calories- which is proving hard. Not because I overeat, in 6 days I've met the goal twice, that's it. I have a problem with under eating. Keeping in mind that there's workouts not counted/imputed on here- it's kind of a problem if I still can't meet the required calories.

- My reason are- in my opinion- purely vain. I don't want to be fat anymore. I'm tired of how lovers have treated me in the past. I have a 5 year high school reunion coming up (I know- who does that? Apparently, my old high school does). I'm dying to hit them all up in style.

- If you get the opportunity to read my blog, let me warn you now- it is NOT a fitness blog, it's more of an honest truth blog with a splash of how it affects fitness and, I don't exactly suggest you read it unless you have been through a lot and the cookie-cutter groups here for ED support and emotional support for personal *kitten* are just too... Disney about the reality for you. If you have, by all mean go read it and know that I feel you. There isn't much in it, but what there is, well, it's personal. I talk about my ED, my health issues, my personal history with a not the best life and well, Me being myself.

- If anyone reading this can suggest a group (that isn't the ED support- checked them out- and believe it or not, telling ppl to not discuss the fact that they aren't currently eating and deeming it pro-ED (pro-ana) to vent when you've lapsed isn't help- that's damage), a group that may encompass support for not only ED, but assault, racism, sexism, the works would be appreciated.

- Not sure if I'm the person anyone would want to cozy up to on here, but I am sweeter than I seem and open to making friends and giving support to those who need it.


  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Hi, welcome to the site sounds like you have lots going on. You mentioned it being difficult at 1200 cals a day. Do you have your weight loss goal on MPF set at .5 lbs per week? Are you also aware you're able to eat back some of your workout cals? To be honest 1200 cals a day is pretty low and sometimes hard to adhere to. I'm concerned about it being low particularly since you bring up recovering from an ED.

    You're involved in some great workouts, love Tabata! Yea some workouts are difficult to account for without using a HRM (heart rate monitor) and strength training can be logged under cardio but it's not something that's truly accurate since it's not something you can gauge how much you've burned.

    Keep doing what you're doing and try not to worry too much about getting everything perfect (this is something I struggle with myself...ugh, drives me crazy and can really set me back if I'm not careful), baby steps and things will then fall into place as you get used to your workouts and increasing your calories. :):)

    <3 Take good care, looking forward to reading your blog :)
  • Avidcutz
    Avidcutz Posts: 29 Member
    edited January 2015
    @Billieljaime: Not aimed at you soooo... not sure why you're commenting. No where did I say I was proud to be eating less, infact I said it was a problem.
    "There isn't much in it, but what there is, well, it's personal. I talk about my ED, my health issues, my personal history with a not the best life and well, Me being myself."- That isn't a blog dedicated to ED now is it?
    - Try trolling else where.
  • Avidcutz
    Avidcutz Posts: 29 Member
    @Hearts_2015: Thank you. I had tried losing weight before and always fall back on well, unhealthiness. So I figured if I did it guided, it might help me out lots.
    Yeah, MFP suggested a 1200 pound diet for losing a pound a week. I thought if I had a goal to met it'd make it easier. So far, it's just made it a lot more real just how much I am not eating to be honest with you. Which is a good thing, but only if I work at improving and meeting it.
  • Avidcutz
    Avidcutz Posts: 29 Member
    I think it suggested 1200 because I'm super short.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Avidcutz wrote: »
    @Hearts_2015: Thank you. I had tried losing weight before and always fall back on well, unhealthiness. So I figured if I did it guided, it might help me out lots.
    Yeah, MFP suggested a 1200 pound diet for losing a pound a week. I thought if I had a goal to met it'd make it easier. So far, it's just made it a lot more real just how much I am not eating to be honest with you. Which is a good thing, but only if I work at improving and meeting it.

    How about setting your loss at .5 lb weekly for just a bit to start out so you don't feel starving.. particularly with the ED history. Doesn't mean it's going to effect your long term goal for the reunion but rather means it's a good way to start out so you get on the right track and get enough nutrition in your body so you can continue working out and stay healthy. :) Nothing wrong with vanity, wanting to look good etc.... many ppl on here join for all sorts of reasons. ;)

    Just a thought! Might be worth considering ;)

  • Avidcutz
    Avidcutz Posts: 29 Member
    If I am unable to consume 1200 calories in a day I'm not to sure how raising it will help. It would just make it a larger number I'm under eating by, wouldn't it?
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited January 2015
    Avidcutz wrote: »
    If I am unable to consume 1200 calories in a day I'm not to sure how raising it will help. It would just make it a larger number I'm under eating by, wouldn't it?
    Well wonder if finding foods that are volume wise, higher calories but healthy such as nuts, avocado, that sort of thing? Good for the body foods but ones that satiate. Know what I mean? ;)

    What type of foods are you having issues with regarding keeping below 1200?

    Off to the gym and running a wee bit late, would love to pick up up here if you like when I get back and have a few spare minutes. If you like? :) I used to deal with this myself.. it takes some planning but most definitely do-able. ;)

    Hearts <3