sam_tap4 Member


  • You can add me :) I've been helping a lot of my friends and I can help you! I've recently lost 20lbs!
  • Hey I'm 23 too :) and I just lost 20lbs just by being healthier! Add me :)
  • Yeah exactly! It's so much fun! You will have to keep me posted! :)
  • Those are great! There's one I started doing called Be a Knockout with Kendra. It's exercises as if you are doing drills for sports like soccer, basketball, kickboxing,etc.. Kendra is a celebrity that was one of Hugh Hefner's wives. She's not my favourite celebrity but this workout is fun and I love it. Also, I do zumba…
  • I gained weight from birth control about 20lbs. Yes I got off of it this summer but I'm starting to try and loose the weight before April. I will be going on a trip and would like to have that bikini body I used to have. It's really hard especially if you are still on the medication. But I'm very determined to shed the…
  • Hey! I'm in the same boat. I gained weight from a birth control though and I would like to loose about 15lbs but I've been feeling great and I use everything that I need at home! I use workout videos and my own weights at home and it's definitely doing the job. Plus I'm eating a lot healthier. Not only do I see a change on…