

  • Welcome aboard. Hopefully you'll enjoy over here and will loose some weight and will become active and energetic... Best of Luck
    in Newbie Comment by UtmanZay January 2015
  • Hi.. I am also new over here but from last one week, I've started brisk walking and a lil bit change in my diet plan.. I do brisk walking for about 60-70 mins and I almost cover 7-8Kms . Before I was lazy but now I feel healthy and active... I'm sure if you start some brisk walking and keep balanced diet.. I'm sure you'll…
  • Dear, I also don't have time to go to gym etc. but I've a good walking track near to my home (2km length) so I try to walk on that track with a time frame. and I try to take 2 meals from three time meals. First measure your BMI and then calculate your required Calories.. and then note down the calories of your mostly eaten…
  • Best of luck.....
  • I have the same story but now I've started brisk walk for 6-7 kms daily and a light change in diet plan to shed abt 0.5 kg per week.
  • :)
    in Hello Comment by UtmanZay January 2015