ilovethesmelloffreshcutgrass Member


  • Beautiful British Columbia, Canada! :smiley:
  • Sometimes the best place to start is to just stop eating out ... I know this from experience. What you put together at home .. even treat-wise, is likely more healthy .. AND YOU SAVE MONEY (which there is always another use for). And I'm just sharing perspective from experience, not judging or preaching. I found when I…
  • Sometimes people are "codependent". I wouldn't know if this applies to you or anyone else who has posted here .. but you know the saying "misery loves company". A partner may also feel a false sense of security with liking their partner to be a little overweight for example. They may feel threatened if one day that person…
  • You can do it! It is scientifically possible .. Other people have lost even more. It will take time to do it healthy and every 5lbs will have you feeling better in many ways. As for the jerk who blocked you ... anyone can be a parent, anyone can be a trainer .. and they all aren't perfect. What an a**hole. Seems like the…