Hi, I recently decided to make some changes also. My biggest tip is, if you fall off don't beat yourself up. Just get right back on track again. Be happy to help motivate in anyway I can! I will friend you and let's do this.
Hello, I think it's really helpful having friends to motivate and vise versa. I'd like to help any way possible as we go on this journey. I'm sending you a friend request and Good luck!!!
I'd be more than happy to take this journey with you. We can motivate each other...
Hi, I am gonna add you. Glad to help out any way possible.
Great job!!! In the same boat. You can friend me. Glad to give you support...
You can add me!!! Like to help out anyway I could..
Maybe your losing inches and not pounds. Sometimes it takes time so the two to catch up to each other..Don't give up!!! It will come off!!!
I know right!!! I wonder why? I can kill it all day but, my cravings (usually for something sweet) are in the evening!!! The worst time to eat too...Lol
I recently started my journey and would like to get from 174 to 150. I think we need all the support we can get..So, let's do this..