Or you can wear a heart strap. Been in the fitness world for 20 years. Bodies behave differently. If you are not body building for a living an d just looking to get fit - don't over complicate it.
Wear a heart strap when you work out.
Magnesium, Glutamine and stretch. If you have a roller and can stand the myofascial release you will feel much better.
As a suggestion- on your upper day lift weights as normal. On your lower day pick 4 exercises with the last being a lower Plyo (jumping / HITT) pick. Do as many rounds inside of 8 mins - 12 reps max (pick weights wisely to finish with the same weight for the full 8 mins) and burn out with the cardio of the Plyo burn and…
Wake up 1 hour earlier.
Warm up and stretch before and after every workout. Time is a healer so don't work the same body part back to back. For supplements you can take L Glutamine 1000 mg to help with soreness. Rollers are good but depends on your level of fitness, time commitment etc.....
Try a free app - Nike Training. NTC it is designed for women. Truthfully I have use it 100's of times. They have total workouts and just isolated I.e core / abs. Two to three levels of difficulty. Good luck
You can add your own exercises. Type it in. Once it gives you "not found", it will ask if you want to create a new one. Just type for calorie totals, it is best you wear a heart rate monitor to get the proper caloric burn for your personal fitness level. Good luck