CaterinaThrace Member


  • Well done! I've found that not giving up the things I love, but just cutting down a bit, has really helped me stay on track too!
  • Like you, I do a bit of both. Where I run around my neighbourhood it is super hilly, up down up down and mostly trail/bush runs so sometimes I wonder whether I should be running more. The hills are killer and I really am not yet at the stage where I can run up them for very long. I just figure - run where you can and walk…
  • I've recently started doing this - at first it HURT! :) Now I just love it. I'd say, in a completely uninformed by science or medicine way - that just go so it hurts a little bit but not too much, much like massage, so that you're getting the maximum benefit without hurting yourself in any way.
  • I used to be very fit in high school - my parents pretty much made me play every sport going, and I enjoyed it. But once I'd graduated and started travelling and going to university, things started to slide... Very slowly, as I've never really eaten badly, but after 15 years of not doing any regular sport (AT ALL) and…
  • Hello! I had a look at your diary too - I think you're massively overestimating your exercise calories. I run for an hour most days (outside, not on a treadmill) and I really only burn about 330-400 calories. Otherwise... I guess it's just a matter of time and dedication. One thing I've found has helped recently has been…
  • Hiya I wouldn't put too much thought into your actual weight - you've only just started, and I am by no means an expert - the complete opposite, but I'm probably about 6 weeks ahead of you in this journey. I started running about 4/5 times a week at the start of January and I want to share with you why I'm still going…