IvanOcampo Member


  • I know exactly what you mean.. Particularly when I'm doing barbell shrugs.....
  • Why do your calories vary from day to day? Naturally if you're going to introduce something as taxing and draining as a 5x5 workout routine (which I highly recommend - it's a fantastic lifting program), your body is going to need a lot more energy as it's using up a lot more energy both while at the gym and during the rest…
  • But seriously.. Keep doing your crunches. .... I watched American Psycho the other day and apparently he does 1000 every morning. Maybe once you get to those numbers you can look like Christian Bale.
  • Okay okay maybe I wasn't taking this thread too seriously. Fwiw, here is my ab routine, which I do 2/3 times a week (when I can be bothered. Frankly I find ab workouts a bit boring..) Exercise 1: hanging knee raises Exercise 2: exercise ball crunches Exercise 3: bicycle curls Exercise 4: mountain climbers Superset all 4 to…
  • Find out what your 1 rep max is here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/other7.htm When you're lifting, start with the bar, and start adding plates until the weight becomes challenging. You should be able to get your 5x5 without failure.
  • As suggested, yes. You can definitely do this on your own. I spent about 4 years working out on my own. When doing 5x5, your lifts shouldn't be over 75-80% of your maximum capacity, so you should be able to do this comfortably.
  • it depends on what you're trying to achieve. are you talking about weight lifting, fat loss..? personally i take vitamin supplements every day. a multi vitamin, a b complex, vitamin D (especially during winter), and fish oil. Aside from that, I take a pre-workout on the days I work out. I only started taking pre-workouts…
  • they give you a great caffeine hit, help you stayed focused during your workout, and (depending on which you get), give you an awesome pump. I used C4 mixed with an energy drink, or when I run out of C4, mix my own. Having said that, if you're starting out, you don't want to take any.. In MY opinion, you want to know where…
  • Hiya. I'm a firm believer in IIFYM. Been doing it for a few years and used it as a great tool through a few bulks and cuts. Good luck with your lifting! I'm currently bulking through the winter, so won't be shredded for at least another 9 months!! :dizzy:
    in Iifym Comment by IvanOcampo April 2015
  • Given her height/body weight, she's not in a caloric deficit. Calories in/calories out is a flawed idea. If you stop eating completely, there will come a point where your body will shut down and stop using up calories, and thus you'll stop losing weight regardless of what you do while still being in a caloric deficit.…
  • A few things. 1- what are your macros like? It's all good for you to be eating 1200 calories, but if you're eating 1200 calories of fats and no carbs/proteins, you won't lose weight. 2- do cardio twice a week and include a few heavy weight sessions during the week. You might be over-training. Have a day of rest in between.…
  • It's not Winter in Australia yet, but from the end of Summer (last day of February) until now, I've gained 13 pounds!! Probably another 20 to go until the first week of November!!
  • There are many times where refeed days could be beneficial; from experience however these are reserved to advanced athletes and not those trying to lose weight or just starting with their exercise routine. Having said that, if you're eating at a caloric deficit and not losing weight, it could very well be that your…
  • Don't worry about how many calories you burn!! Work out your daily calorie in take, and work out as per your routine. You shouldn't be calculating your eating habits around what your workouts are like.. Also, calorie burning goes on after you leave the gym depending on what you do. Personally, a 1 hour MMA training session…
  • maybe not with 1000 calories .. try adding more substantial, creamy drinks in between hard liquor shots to get more proteins and fats into your diet..
  • Also, c4 is pretty weak in some areas. Even when taking it, I still need to add things like beta-alanine and creatine into my daily sups..
  • what do you mean by 'not working well'? are you taking it for the stimulants or for the pump? pre-jym is another popular one.. I ran out of C4 and recently bought ON's pre-workout (I got it because it came with a tub of free protein powder!) .. It's pretty good too.. Perhaps you just need to cycle off it for a couple of…
  • Refeed days aren't necessary if you've set your macros correctly. They're generally used when you're going through carb cycling while cutting .. Cheat days are also unnecessary - particularly cheat DAYS. You can have a cheat meal once in a while if you're not cutting (depending always on what your goals are, how strict you…
  • You can always but yourself a set of fractional plates and bring them along to the gym with you..
  • while MFP is a great tool for keeping track of your calories/macros, it's fairly limiting in terms of how much you can customise it. Personally, I set my calorie goals to 0 and forget about the percentages MFP suggests. I KNOW i have to hit 450 carbs, 65 fats and 190 proteins.. It doesn't matter what % that is of my ~3150…
  • Planks will give you lean, long and muscular abs, sort of like a swimmer's body. Crunches will give you big, deep, protruding, stocky abs .. So depending on the look you want, you would have to choose your workout accordingly. Naturally the longer that you can hold a plank, the stronger your abs become, and the more…
  • i've tried various - if you want to get a commercial one, you can't go past c4. essentially it depends on what you're looking for (ie, different pre-workouts will have different active ingredients which will deliver different effects). For me, I make my own. I buy beta alanine, creatine, citrulline malate, Acetyl…
  • Don't worry about lean body mass unless you're over 40% body fat. Similarly, protein consumption is not necessarily related to lean muscle retention. You need to work out and lift heavy weights for that. With that in mind, the simplest way of working out your macros: .75-1 gram of protein per pound 20% fat Rest of your…
  • Lol.. It's true!! The secret is in the number! 6 (for 6 packs) 00 <-- aaaaaabs.
  • there's a lot of replies and alas, i don't have time to read through them all, so if your question has been answered please disregard mine. however, here's my $.02 1- if your gym has no squat rack, SERIOUSLY consider looking into changing gyms. 2- weight progression: what is your current routine? Weight progression will…
  • get some calipers from e-bay. they're probably less than $5..
  • I sprained my ankle at around this time last year and was unable to do things like squats/deadlifts for some time.. though really, it didn't stop me from doing much else. I got some crutches to get around and still hit the gym daily. Thankfully ankle mobility wasn't an issue so I was able to do spin classes as part of my…
  • yes. if you do 600 crunches a day you're guaranteed a 6 pack in about a month.