Omgoodness I can't find this camera
Thanks.... I'm searching for the camera
Wow the pic is really nice! How did u put a pic on here?
In think it's a post board - does not work like FB.
Coolness - thanks y'all for the sweet mess and hugs.... :D
[quo o:) te="louandhad2003;30871064"]Yes !! 10 pounds of muscle burns 500 calories at rest!!! I'll start to increase muscle mass in my legs and arms next month as I start to hit it harder [/quote]
Not eating is the worst thing one can do - the body has a survival mechanism...your plan will back fire... stay focused.
Losing 5 pounds - try strength training... muscle burns fat.
LOL! I keep going back to the main page - yhea I'm bit lost so forgive me until I learn this chat app.
I love this app but never used it to chat.
That's great
I'm trying to figure this chat thing out....a bit confusing. How's your healthy living going. I just got home from the gym. Tired