queenjaquita Member


  • I'm 5'4". SW 165 in January of this year. CW155. GW 135. I decided that this was the year to learn healthy habits and get back to my pre-wedding weight (10 years ago). Being able to teach my 3 year old healthy habits is my biggest motivator. Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • Amen to this! I love me some heavy cream. I have weened myself off for the most part and now drink my coffee black but when I want a treat a splash of cream is the answer!
  • I have a goal and then a dream. :) I'm 5'4 and I decided on 135 lbs because that was what I weighed when I got married and I think I looked good at that weight and was able to maintain that weight for several years. I then have my dream of 122 which I was when I was in my early 20's when "I didn't have to worry about my…
  • Monday mornings. The reminder over the weekend that I have to step on the scale helps me stay in check.
  • My mid-morning snack is cottage cheese and my evening snack is popcorn made on the stove-top (so much better tasting than air popped popcorn!!!)
  • I'm trying really hard not to deviate from my pre-planned meals and snacks so all I have at my desk in an emergency bag of cashews just in case. I drink a lot of water and I enjoy an afternoon tea. All my other snacks are planned ahead of time and kept with my lunch in the fridge so if I want one I have to get up and get…
  • I'm trying to lose 30 lbs in about the same time frame. I'm really determined to drop the weight. I've been trying hard to log my food and get to the gym at least 3 times a week. More accountability is always welcome so anyone feel free to add me!