Thanks for all the good advice. I will check them out the next time I have good internet reception!
Thanks for the tips!! I have not really eaten much Greek yogert...maybe 2 or 3. I think I will give it a try added to breakfast or mid morning snack. Are all Greek yogert brands created equal? Are there some that are better for you/better tasting that others?
Protein 50% Carb 30% Fat 20% ...this is the ratio a local dietician s
Thanks for the tips and encouraging words... Sometimes I will log my dinner meal in before I make it to be sure that my ratios and calorie intake for the day is close to perfect. If what I had planned to eat for dinner causes the figures to be way off I can just change what I will eat...I love that ability!!
Patttience, Thank you for the tips...I will try them out!
I agree those are some great's a very healthy/clean way to live!
What is the best fish for knee joint recovery? I am having a time with dull pain in my knees from running and thought fish could help... Is there one?
Thank you all for the advice and encouragment! I think I can live with around 1500 cal per day. The crazy "hunger" pangs seem to be going away...I am just starting to get into a rythmn. I got up this morning and took a brisk hour walk before work which seemed to help. I think can stay consistent with the walking 3 days per…
Emily, Congatulations!!... for having the heart to change something in your life for the better. That first step is such a big one so good on ya. I had a delivery job for years that was all hours like you mentioned so I understand a little the struggles you are up against. The odd hour and lack of a good sleep schedule…