StrawbC Member


  • Absolutely
  • Top 10 action stars 1. Stallone 2. Arnold 3. Lundgren 4. Matt Damon 5. Jackie Chan 6. Jet Li 7.Milla Jovovich **where are the women people:)) 8. Michelle Rodriguez 9. Scarlett Johansen - Avengers
  • sculptured
  • I've never tried the pic thingy. Don't have a great mirror in the house but I guess I could just use the self timer on the camera. Ok.. gonna try this. Tomorrow is day 1 pic then weekly after that. Is weekly good for pics? or is that too frequent??
  • Day 2 of my attempts to get back on track - not so successful. Trying to give up the sugar is a toughy. Happy to say I'm still checking in here to get my daily dose of confessional and soak up some motivation and support... I feel better already
  • Today I'm grateful for my tolerant partner when I'm trying to give up sugar and become a short tempered maniac
  • sugar addict Unfortunately I am one... aaagghhhh
  • Such a good concept... If I think too far ahead a find it more difficult to stay on track. sooooo.. Just for today: 1. I will not consume sugar 2. I will exercise for at least 45 mins 3. I will watch my macros and ensure I consume enough protein Just for today..... Thats was from yesterdays just for today and i achieved…
  • Hiya. I've been there so many times. I lost 25kgs of a 37 kg goal and have stalled. I have good weeks and bad weeks but basically remained in the same vicinity for the past six months. What I find the most helpful is getting support and motivation from these discussion boards. I been in a steady state for too long and so…
  • Such a good concept... If I think too far ahead a find it more difficult to stay on track. sooooo.. Just for today: 1. I will not consume sugar 2. I will exercise for at least 45 mins 3. I will watch my macros and ensure I consume enough protein Just for today.....
  • Had my first under calorie goal day for over a month. see just one post a couple of new friends and I'm in a different head space. I just need to remember to take it one day at a time. Day was a good day I'm grateful my will power and determination hasn't abandoned me completely. Tomorrow will be another challenge. I find…
  • I hear you I feel you I'm living it too. I lost 67lbs (30kgs) and have put back on 11lbs (5kgs) over the past months. Its not much but it an upward trend I'm not enjoying and I can't seem to find my centre, my momentum, my drive. What got me started originally was connecting with people on here, staying connected having…
  • Yep. . I know it's a me thing. . Only I can do it. Reading all the positive supportive comments is really helpful though. It's helps me remember that I've done this before i know i can do it. . I know I can. .
  • Hahahah.. Very wise and very true
  • Yes... this is so true,,,, I'll have to youtube that Shia LaBeouf video again. The "just do it" one I used to watch that regularly and it really helped keep me focused. And gave me a laugh all at the same time. Have a watch...
  • Thanks for you words of wisdom everyone.... I think I need to take stock and redefine my next stage in my lifestyle choices. That seems to be the message here...
  • Thanks Allison.. I think your onto something... I'm in fear constantly .. I just am so scared of being really overweight again. I have to trust myself to care for me and eat without the sense of watch-dogging all the time. I've been doing for more than a year.. I have learnt some things. Time to trust that wisdom
  • I've been thinking this myself.... its been over a year of consistent "restriction" sometimes without the feeling of deprivation and sometimes, alot of times recently with feeling of missing out
  • Thanks for this feedback. I was really closer to my goal "weight" and then things slowed and I became ill and the exercise slowed but not stopped. My weight training and bikrim yoga stoped so my body shape changed, my flabby less toned than I was even at higher weight. This has given me something to think about. What did I…
  • I was unwell for while with a virus that has effected my vision and i've had to shave all my hair off as it was related to the black hair dye i used (just once). I kinda haven't bounced back after that.. I feel like I've lost my mojo. My work situation has also changed. I work less for more money but more on my own. I'm a…
  • Unfortunately I didn't take progress pics. I'm really inconsistent with motivation.. and currently rely good with excuses!! Which reminds me of a quote. Excuses or results ... You can't have both... from my teenage son.. wise beyond his years
  • Name: Strawberry Age: 51 Height: 5'10" Start Weight (1st November): 188 Goal Weight (1st December): 180 1st November: Missed this one 8th November: lets this is today - 188lp 85.2kgs 15th November: 22nd November: 29th November: 1st December: Weight lost/gained this week: Gained really over the past couple of weeks but…
  • Great Idea .... Today I'm grateful I found this group!!!
  • I've not stopped logging for over 300 days but this would be my 5th go at MFP and so far the most sucessful but I've gotten into the habit of binge eating alot and not logging it all just kinda giving up once I sense the binge has started so I guess I fit the criteria. I'm not being honest with myself thats the bottom line…
  • I've taken to binge eating at dinner about 4 out of 7 nights a week and have been doing this for about a month then over compensating on other days. I'm in a nasty cycle of bad behaviour and punishment. Not healthy I know but really stuck in a rut. I need to find a way out of this current cycle and connecting through…
  • Hi ya. I'm 3 quarters of the way toward a 90lb weight loss goal. I'm finding I'm slipping back to bad habits now at least one day a week. It use to be once a month where I'd have a day that was lets say not in my best interest. Now I don't manage a week without a day where my eating is not as I'd planned. I've lost my…
  • I'm needing some mfp friends that will help keep me honest. I'm good at supporting others and working with others to stay on track but I'm missing something lately. Nearly 9 months into this journey and i need some mfp friends to push me through this current phase of complacency. Add me please if you want mutual…
  • Hey all. . I'm looking for some words of wisdom regarding emotional eating. I've lost 25kgs and doing well but just lately I'm finding I'm slipping back in to old patterns of having at least a day a week where I'm feeling a little flat and resorting to food for comfort. Then giving myself a hard time about it. Once on a…
  • For those with strategies that help in slowing or ceasing a binge please share For me I know distraction helps Engage in another activity that stops me thinking about the fact that I'm bingeing This isn't full proof but it has worked This feed/group has gone quiet Are we all bingeing!!!!!
  • eating very little on the two days in between This has been going on for about a month I know it's really an unhealthy pattern but I've not been able to distract myself once the binge starts I've done really well up until this recent bout of unhelpful eating It's colder here now and it's harder to eat well but I know that…