lisenden Member


  • I was 10 years old in 1982 and the game was Advanced D&D for Intellivision.
  • lacroyx, checked out Ingress, pretty cool! We only have three portals in my hometown, but I could do it in the nearby Big City.
  • Ingress is intriguing, but I'm one of those who lives in the middle of nowhere. Definitely going to check out FitRPG app!
  • I play RPGs and love the exploration aspect. I want to be able to explore in real life. Geek alert: when I hike, I pretend I'm a ranger (Lisen is my ranger character). My motivation is to get into shape enough to hike/backpack again, especially since we live in the Canadian Rockies! So, after exploring in game I remember…
  • I'm loving Inquisition!!! I got it a week after it came out and am playing on a 360 with no real problems. Every once in a blue moon, a few lines of dialogue go buggy (I think 3 times in 100+ hours of play so far), but I have subtitles on so I just read them.
  • Thank you everyone for the welcome. girlviernes, FPL recommends adding fibre to your diet as it fills you up and has numerous health benefits. They start with just getting you to add fibre to every meal. For example, I had oatmeal (already good on fibre), mash a banana for sweetness instead of sugar. Or craving pasta-add a…
  • 43 years old and getting over a serious bout of depression. Being bedridden for months on end and using food to improve my mood gained me 40 pounds, bringing me to 255. I am using an elliptical and free weights, and doing physio for my hip. Also feel free to add me on Fitocracy (another fab app and group of people if…