


  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    No I didn't bother and just found all the skulls and did it that way.

    Got all the shards, there are not enough to get you through all three doors, just two and the first one or two in the third. Oh well.

    You have to get all the shards to open all the doors. Finally found them all and completed that quest. Definitely a long quest. Glad to complete it and get the achievement, but, sheesh, takes nearly all the game to do.

    I got the perk that showed me more landmarks and logging stands/quarries, which was a huge help for those. I don't remember if there was an additional perk to show the shards without the skulls. I found all the skulls and used them to reveal every shard....not that the shards were easy to get to....found a use for my mount on a few!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I just want to know if it is as good as Origins... the second one was HORRID and I don't believe I ever even finished it...

    I happened to love DA2, well, the story. I know DA2 had lots of issues with size and the crazy re-use of caves and areas. I wasn't bothered by being forced to be human, as it's my normal type. I loved the story in it and what they were trying to do in furthering the world of Thedas. Totally respect how it was lacking in certain respects for many, though.

    I feel like Inquisition has brought in what was good about Origins and what was good about DA2 and made an excellent game.

    If you're into crafting, you can do that to death. But, there's enough excellent loot drops to keep your party well-equipped if you don't want to spend the time. To me, that's finding balance between what Origins and DA2 did.
  • adramaticpirate
    adramaticpirate Posts: 73 Member
    Omg... this forum forum exists. Yes! Ok... I freaking love ALL things dragon age but the 3rd one is giving me a fit. I don't like that the attack button is different ,*stupid I know but I'm jumping everywhere* I hate being forced into side missions. *I'm gonna do then anyway, you don't have to make me to progress the story. And I hate that it's not level capped. I turned a corner near my first camp in the Hinterlands and met a "burn baby burn" and was instant dead. Still love it, but have to complain about it.

    I'm on the 360. Has anyone else seen graphics lag on it, or the words messing up.??
  • JackKopCh
    JackKopCh Posts: 8,042 Member
    Just started Inquisition today finally!!! Been in my drawer since Christmas ><'

    Tried making my character look like Castiel from Supernatural haha :p

  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    JackKopCh wrote: »
    Just started Inquisition today finally!!! Been in my drawer since Christmas ><'

    Tried making my character look like Castiel from Supernatural haha :p


    Looks fantastic!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Omg... this forum forum exists. Yes! Ok... I freaking love ALL things dragon age but the 3rd one is giving me a fit. I don't like that the attack button is different ,*stupid I know but I'm jumping everywhere* I hate being forced into side missions. *I'm gonna do then anyway, you don't have to make me to progress the story. And I hate that it's not level capped. I turned a corner near my first camp in the Hinterlands and met a "burn baby burn" and was instant dead. Still love it, but have to complain about it.

    I'm on the 360. Has anyone else seen graphics lag on it, or the words messing up.??

    I play on PC and have had specific video issues related to the video driver/card. I'd say my drivers still aren't optimized, but the game plays fine as long as I restart the PC regularly.

    Each area seems to have a great level variance. Much of Hinterlands is good early on, but, yes, you'll need to avoid some areas until later. I think it promotes moving on to different areas of the game for exploration. Really, none of the areas are intended for a person to "finish" when they first arrive. Took me awhile to get that. I'm going all over the place early on in my second play through.

    I swear they set that "burn baby burn" issue up on purpose, lol. Every friend of mine has run into it doing exactly what I was doing...picking that one Royal Elfroot. :D
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Omg... this forum forum exists. Yes! Ok... I freaking love ALL things dragon age but the 3rd one is giving me a fit. I don't like that the attack button is different ,*stupid I know but I'm jumping everywhere* I hate being forced into side missions. *I'm gonna do then anyway, you don't have to make me to progress the story. And I hate that it's not level capped. I turned a corner near my first camp in the Hinterlands and met a "burn baby burn" and was instant dead. Still love it, but have to complain about it.

    I'm on the 360. Has anyone else seen graphics lag on it, or the words messing up.??

    Well yeah see my first post in this thread :) A lot of weirdness, but at least the dialog bugs only happen for one line at a time. My favorite is that sometimes if you get your A button twice while going to talk to an NPC, you can end up in this weird puppet mode where you just float along with arms and legs flailing.

    Even though I'm almost through the game I STILL need a few minutes to get re-used to the new attack button every time I sit down to play. Not sure why they did that...?

    Other than that one instance that you're talking about, there haven't been many (any?) big surprises with high level baddies, so don't let it get you stressed :)
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    They released Patch 3 yesterday for PCs. Hopefully, console users will get it soon. Mostly bug fixes, but, at least for PC, some fix/feature to tactical camera related to re-centering.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I still don't think ANY have come out for 360.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    They claim Patch 2 came out in December for the 360:

    Patch 3 isn't out yet for consoles..
  • lisenden
    lisenden Posts: 8 Member
    I'm loving Inquisition!!! I got it a week after it came out and am playing on a 360 with no real problems. Every once in a blue moon, a few lines of dialogue go buggy (I think 3 times in 100+ hours of play so far), but I have subtitles on so I just read them.
  • xSassy71x
    xSassy71x Posts: 32 Member
    I just finished DA-2 Saturday and downloaded DA-Inquisition that night. "Found" my first dragon at level 4 & died a hot fiery death..! I can't wait for this thing called work to get over so I can get home to play more for a bit tonight!! After I updated my driver for my video card it runs great so far. :smile:
  • abrazil65
    I got it for ps3 and it runs pretty well for the most part but buggy at some an npc will be in a non-accessible area!!!! Talk about raging at the monitor!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    abrazil65 wrote: »
    I got it for ps3 and it runs pretty well for the most part but buggy at some an npc will be in a non-accessible area!!!! Talk about raging at the monitor!

    Yeah that would drive me to the brink!

  • styledsky
    styledsky Posts: 121 Member
    Still a number of bugs on the PC. The most recent patch allowed me to hand in a number quests in Redcliffe but still have a bugged quest in Fallow Mire that I may not ever be able to finish now. I also get a number of freezes in the game where I lose the ability to click on anything and have to crash it out. Someone said that's caused by using the Origin Cloud sync but I can't find any information to confirm/deny this.

    Having said all that, it's a decent game to play. Some stuff is needlessly longwinded and yeah, having level ranges on areas aside from the main story quests would really help - I recommend looking those up to avoid frustration later.

    Those of you who haven't got past the "burn baby burn" area in the Hinterlands - without giving anything away - the culmination of that section is awesome, totally worth getting your butt roasted a few times.
  • erayne
    erayne Posts: 47 Member
    I'm on my 2nd play through of DAI on the XB1, it's a little glitchy, but not bad! I love it!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I'm going to play through again as a mage. Looking forward to it.
  • elixile
    elixile Posts: 80 Member
    I'm just playing Origins. Housemate has a PS4 and I got some PS4 game credit for birthday. Waiting on finishing Origins and hopefully the price might have dropped a bit! Also, the person who said about Alien: Isolation... only just properly met the Alien but I LOVE it so far and I'm a massive fan of the first two movies. It's very atmospheric, scary and 'puzzly'.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Just started playthrough #2 as a human - played everything as an elf so far. Also changed my Keep settings so that my Champion lived.
  • erayne
    erayne Posts: 47 Member
    First play through was as an elven mage, 2nd time is a human mage. I tried a human warrior, but I like the mage a lot better!