

  • I have been working out at the gym for almost a month now. I found that trying to eat a snack between meals or around every two hours helps even if i am eating carrots. Healthy options are always a positive and I drink water whenever I am not eating. It has helped me so perhaps you can find a routine for yourself that…
  • I see a lot of myself in your post. I feel your pain and know the struggle. I was very active when I was younger in dance and softball. But unfortunately I was sick a lot and placed on steroids to fight infections. It caused me to gain and keep weight on. I graduated high school in a size 16 then college in a size 18. I…
  • You can do it! 2015 is going to be a great year! Congratulations on you getting married coming up. Hope you hit your goal! Stay motivated and positive and you'll get there!
  • Think positive. What you send out into the universe comes back to you so if you think you can do it, then you will do it! Good luck!
  • I know it isn't my place to tell you what is right or wrong but I think you should want to lose weight for yourself. You have to live with yourself in the end so it needs to be something you want for yourself and not just to please someone else. If your partner isn't supporting you and does things like that, it's not going…