H3lix86 Member


  • @Lietchi i have it set to 2 pounds per week and I updated Cronometer but not my fitness pal, sorry. trying to get down to 165lbs (25bmi) according to BMI calculators that is a "healthy weight" for me. currently 229lbs 5'8, 33/m @ninelivesblackcat sorry, i had to fix them.
  • i've already put my height, weight, measurements, and goal weight. is there anything else? Granted i still havent eaten dinner yet, but that still wont be the remaining calories.
  • 70f/21c today in north GA, lol i hate it, I wish I lived somewhere cold. EDIT: maybe thats just the russian/siberian blood in me talking though. ive always handled the cold really well, and been miserable in the heat.