

  • Yeah I hear ya! I stopped my medication 2 weeks in. Trying to do it through eating clean and exercise so far so good. Mind over matter! Going to try boxing next week! Wish me luck! Add me if you ever need to talk about the fibro :)
  • I have a friend on weight watchers and she has lost 40 lbs and she has beer every weekend. Friday and Saturday she will have 4-6 each of those days she just puts it into her points for the day and she is still losing. Add to calories and you should be fine??? If it worked for her it can work for us....right?
  • Add me if you like. I am on the same road as you I would like to lose 70 but 50 would be a huge improvement :wink: This is my second week on my fitness pal and I have lost 4lbs. I started out small by changing my foods and just walking 30 minutes. The foods have come natural to me now. I feel lighter, my moods have…