E02L05 Member


  • Thanks everyone, I eat a lot of salad which also has natural sugars and that plus a glass of milk or putting a banana in a smoothie seems to bring up my sugar. Once I see that negative red number I feel like I screwed up.
  • Thank you! I have to decide now if it's worth getting knowing hubby will most likely not use it (but he doesn't use the treadmill we have now either)
  • •I've been trying to eat every 3 hours if I'm hungry or not. •"Cheat Days" I'm still tracking all my calories so it's not like I'm pigging out but I'm not saying no to pizza either lol. I still avoid gluten on Cheat days as well, •My family are all on diets too and just seems like they are all losing quicker than me, I'm…
  • I have a bridesmaid dress to order :-( Rather lose quicker to get a smaller size and have to pay less to take it in.
  • Thank you everyone, I have a digital scale I use to measure everything I eat (kind of obsessed), I have one cheat day a week, as a family we get something for dinner but I still track it all. I am gluten intolerant so I try to avoid it as much as possible, I don't eat bread unless it's on my cheat day. I drink protein…
  • ME! I just started (again) yesterday 1/12/15, I'm at 209 (my heaviest ever) and my goal is 140. Hoping to lose 40 by August.