

  • No she is saying it won't hamper weight loss but that doesn't mean it won't hurt your health. If I ate a calorie deficit where my diet was all sweets I'd lose weight but I would be skyrocketing my chances for developing diabetes and other health problems. My insulin levels would be so high all the time that my blood cells…
  • I hate the term "on a diet" Your DIET is what you eat on a regular basis, period. If you want to change it to lose weight then you need to change it, period. If you can't do that then don't expect to reach or maintain your goals. If it's hard then start slow. I started giving up sugar about 3 years ago, starting with soda…
  • 5'2" here and still wanting to lose 10lbs ...for the last 3 years. Just can't seem to make it work. I'm doing the 1200 calorie thing which worked for one pound but now I'm stuck! AND HUNGRY. Maybe a need more, to keep my metabolism from crashing or maybe I need to balance out my nutrients. It's quite frustrating but hey as…
  • Make your goals longer. If your goal is to get to a certain weight as fast as possible then once you reach it you don't know what to do. Don't allow yourself to loose weight so fast. If it takes you 6 months to loose the weight normally then set a goal of being a target weight IN exactly one year not BY one year and maybe…
  • Eating fattening butter in excess is bad but the trans fats in margarine don't exits in nature and wreak havoc on your body causing high cholesterol and artery build up and hardening. It's the molecular structure that is different which interacts with the molecules from our body in a more permanent damaging way. This is…