LibbyErinGalt Member


  • Please add me! New to gluten free - 4 months. I've lost 40 lbs over the past two years by completely changing my eating habits and being more active.
  • Same for me, started at 215, down to 178, but I've stayed here and want to lose 30-40 more (goal of 140-150). Feel free to add me as a friend, I need the support!
  • Thank you all so much! Those are all really helpful ideas :)
  • Cleaned two bathrooms, did lots of laundry, and some shopping. Organized my children's playroom. Walked with family for 45 min after dinner.
  • Walked 70 min yesterday and 20 min today.
  • I'm in too! I am 39 yrs old, married with 2 kids and work full time with children (plus 2-3 hour per day commute). I am already walking 20 min in the evening with my children but I will do 15 min on my lunch break. Yay, I'm excited to have some support!
  • Best of luck - you can look into a new kind of epipen called Auvi-Q. Go to their website and check it out, most people qualify to get it Free because they want people to have access to this life saving medication. You should be able to get prescription from your doctor.
  • Meatballs usually contain breadcrumbs, could be that. Sounds like you are having a pretty serious allergic reaction - might want to see an allergist. That symptom sounds like anaphylaxis - you would potentially need an epipen if the throat swelling continued. Benedryl will help but you need to describe this to a doctor.
  • My phone broke but now I have a new one, so logging again starting today. Feel free to friend me (I accepted a few requests already). I don't have celiac but I do have a gluten intolerance. Thanks for make up tips and info.
  • I would love some gluten free friends too. Went gluten free a month ago and will see my doctor about it next week. I feel great gluten free (best I've felt in 10+ years!), but would love some support, tips, ideas and friends! Any guidance on gluten free beauty products would help too!
  • NO real answers here, just some thoughts: I work for a large computer company and several things are suggested to increase daily activity - standing desks, schedule walking meetings with coworkers, use a lunch break to walk. Not sure if any of those will help. I lost 20 lbs and then maintained that for about a year. I've…