kristymcniel1 Member


  • Thank you!! That’s the only thing I can think it is! I drastically cut my calories and I really thought I would lose a lot more than I have... trying to figure out what to eat is soooo hard which is why I just stick with the same things everyday. I will try replace my yogurt with oatmeal and see if that helps.. my salads…
  • I log everything. I am usually under my 1600 calorie goal and I don’t log my exercise calories... I went from eating like 3000 calories a day.. always eating out and drinking soda to completely stopping soda, drinking lots of water and sticking to a very strict diet... there are hardly any calories in my yogurt and I mean…
  • Alrighttttt well I think that sums up my thoughts about trying it!! Thanks
  • I love this idea! totally trying this
  • I used to be the same way! I have never been over weight except after having my kids. I never used to have to worry about what I was eating or how much I was exercising and now i need to loose about 60 lbs. In the past I started diets every other day and I would never stick with it. This app has really helped me self…
  • I think that is a great idea! Nothing better than turning your craving into a healthy one. I really really like this. I will definitely give it a try.
  • Esther and Mr President. Do you guys mind sharing your strategies on how to control the binge eating? any thing that is working for you?
  • Hi I'm Kristy from CA. I am 25 and I am also very addicted to food and binge eating. I over eat and always feel miserable. I am a mom of 3 and have lost all confidence in myself. Pre-baby body was never amazing but I was never over weight. It has been a little over a year since the birth of my last baby and I just kept…
  • I always do the same thing and I always regret it. I usually give myself Saturdays to cheat but I always find my self catching up during the rest of the week and I am loosing a whole lot slower than I would. I am not going to cheat anymore, I am going to fit it into my calorie limit if I want it.