flysandy Member


  • Love this! Not sure I could be QUITE as diligent, but I love the idea of making your food "grab and go" without measuring or weighing every time I have a meal - and still know exactly what I ate.
  • Are there trainers at your gym? Most places are happy to give you an orientation and help you configure a workout for your fitness level and goals. A couple of notes from what I've learned... It's been determined that the time to stretch is after your workout rather than the long standing belief of before (this was new to…
  • I agree a trip to the Dr. to get checked out is a good idea. This should NOT be high impact to your knees. Stationary bike (or real bike) and swimming might be great alternatives in the mean time if you have access to them (these are the least impact for knees). Hang on to that elliptical, I'm sure you know it'll be a…