

  • Good luck and don't be discouraged! I'm going through a divorce also feel free to add me if you need support.
  • You can do it! Don't be discouraged even if the number doesn't budge at first or if you have to go by the fit of your clothes. Good luck! I am 40 pounds up from high school and it's been escalating quickly, trying to work harder even when the scale is against me.
  • Add me please! Trying to lose 20 pounds. Most of my friends are inactive now and I miss the support!! Thanks :)
  • My torn meniscus was hard, took almost a year to be able to run properly again. I tore it on duty in the military and they didn't give me crutches or any help and stopped my physical therapy after 3 weeks so it didn't heal properly. My rotator cuff has been torn twice and my arms are so weak now, but they're getting…
    in Injuries! Comment by aj0987 January 2015
  • Love this thread. I have to say things I miss from being fit.. Being told I'm gorgeous, beautiful, sexy. No one looks at me anymore. No one compliments me. I miss my energy. What I won't miss: my pants cutting into my stomach, being disappointed every time I try something on, dreading summer because my legs are too fat for…
  • Hey all! I'm a WoW player here also I love Stargate and Battlestar and anything to do with astronomy. I watch way too much TV also (Korean dramas, Reign, Modern Family etc) if you like K dramas I can recommend some haha. I workout in the morning so I won't get too caught up in gaming and i want to lose about 20 pounds. I…