marissarekush Member


  • Oh, whoops. I didn't realize OP's stats... I guess my comparison is somewhat irrelevant. Sorry!
  • I started at 189 lbs and today I weighed in at 167.2 lbs. I started on Wednesday February 17, so approximately 8 weeks. My diary is open if you'd like to see what I've been doing (but note, Easter was in the middle of that and I went to Canmore for my birthday for 4 days so some days don't have full and accurate logging).…
  • As of today, I've lost 21.8lbs over 8wks. So average is 2.725lbs/wk. But, I am now 13-15lbs away from my goal so I am expecting it to slow drastically over the next few weeks.
  • I use weights from 3-8lbs depending on the exercise. My shoulders are weak and it hurts way to much to use 8 so I generally use lower. I do the 30 day shred on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Cardio Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I work 10hrs every second Saturday so that is my rest day. And on the Saturdays off I usually…
  • Just finished day 8 of level 3! Sorry I'm a little late to the party! It's awesome, when I started level 3 I had to do some of the beginner modifications. But now I can do the entire thing at full difficulty... Except squat jumps. Damn that 5 second breather!!!
  • As superficial as it sounds... Shopping! I'm at a decent weight now but oddly shaped. I hold the majority of my fat in my hips and thighs and boy is it going to be nice to find a pair of jeans that fit in both the thighs and waist!
  • I'm slightly shorter at 5'7" and two years ago I started at 215 and got down to 140-142 and I didn't look too good. My hips and shoulders were sticking out quite a bit, kind of as if I was sucking all the time. I've since went back up to 189 and now I'm working on getting to about 150ish.
  • I usually have quite a big lunch and a smaller dinner. I take a sandwich (ham,chicken,lettuce,little mustard/mayo,and a thin slice of cheese), Greek yogurt, veggies, & ranch dip. It's about 598 calories but I like having my bigger meal in the middle of the day.
  • I'm not sure entirely what you mean by this... But maybe your mouth is dry? Drink a big glass of water, I have found a lot of the time I think I'm hungry but nope. Just thirsty.